Please delete thread

Nice and early round 3.

I’m stuck in training aaallllll day. I hope they brought better snacks this time.

Maybe you should have brought cookies?

Then I wouldn’t have any for you guys. Id never hear the end of it.

They have donuts though.

Hmm. Noon on a Wednesday.

Where all my ranged dps friends at?

kinda sus if you ask me.

Ranged. DPS. Por. Favor.

Bumps and stuff

Still looking for ranged DPS


2 keys away from KSM. Bonus points if youre ranged and have a halls or NW 15 i can do

Ella put a ring on it… just sayin…

morning bumps

Ella ringed for sure

Too bad we dont have a tank on for a lunch key :frowning:

So unfortunate

its the weekenddddddd

for me, anyway. where my ranged friendos at

lunch tank key here

LF HOA and NW 15 key, pst.

and I mean, I guess ranged dps. But Id rather those keys, cuz I need them for KSM.

It’s Friday!

Yeah I got nothing witty this morning. LF ranged dps.

Lunch time! Ish

Where my ranged bros at?

Still looking for ranged DPS.

Who got that stimmy check and wants to use it to transfer and join our guild? :smiley: