So because I pug my statement is invalid? Okay, roger that.
And yet players in this community want more support specs, yet they are expected not to do what a support would have to do? C’mon, make it make sense.
Players can’t want more support specs and then have no expectation to do what a support would have to do.
True, but why bring one when the other is doing better?
Aug provides primary to all specs. Sure, the arcane int buff is something else I have gripes with, but then again I have gripes with mages as well. Why don’t warriors provide a strength/agility buff for other classes instead of attack power? Why are mages so tanky when they used to be a glass cannon class?
I’d love to hear yours. I’m all ears. Please tell me how the game needs more support specs and that’ll fix the game. Go ahead.
Okay, buddy. So I’m going to need you to sign up for some timeshare down by the Florida keys. You’re going to love the beach side view.
Cool. I’ve probably watched it as well. I’ve never said it wasn’t doable. I don’t know what this proves though.
If you say, pal.
This might come as a shock but I have played it and tried it. Not fun at all. “Chill spec”? Have you played it in raids? I’m sure you have giving me pro tips. Thanks, friend.
Nice. Good luck with that. No clue what this has to with me aside from you not playing “chill spec” but i wish the best.
A bit presumptuous to say I haven’t “tried” it, isn’t it?
Listen, friendo, you seem like an okay person. WE ARE NOT GOING TO AGREE on this issue and that’s fine. You have your mind set. Kudos! I have stated my feedback for which you say said are “whack ideas and opinions.” Unless, you have feedback on how to alleviate to some of this “Aug hate” from the community that isn’t “you don’t need one,” then we have no more to talk about. Good luck healing your keys, a few dungeons seem tough on pres b/c of range. That aside, TOODALOO!