Please Buff WW sustained ST

As it stands we are lagging far behind any other class on sustained single target damage. Some ideas on how to do this

  1. Buff Hit combo significantly.
  2. Buff all of our single target abilities including FoF main target damage.
  3. Actually rework our final tier talents where one is actually not crap and good for single target.

They seem to be amazing for AOE but lack single target. They suffer the same as the fate of hunters.

Totally agree, but considering how absolutley busted our cleave / burst aoe is, I don’t think they’re eager to give us any buffs at all.

They seem very content with having our single target being meh, which was obvious when they “fixed” clones and canceling FoF back in 9.0.5 without any compensation.

Tbf our aoe is out of this world crazy, so at least we have that!

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Oh god no! I’m happy to have dance of chi-ji locked in.

I mean, what did monks get in 9.1? mainly just MW buffs and only a few. and a bugged SCK that was just fixed. I like the burst, but got tired of only being useful during my CDs. Went with a class that has more sustained

Honestly for single target hit/small multi-target hit combo is likely going to win for better damage, while dance of chi-ji will just do stupid amounts of aoe damage when it procs.

If anything they should have just baked it (or a variation of it) into our mastery even if I sort of hate it since it feels (what with it just being some other variant of our mastery we are using on top of the regular mastery).

Outside of the middle talent on that row being completely underwhelming compared to the other two (and should just be replaced at this point), both of the other ones have their own separate uses.

Totally agree they need to buff our single target damage. People keep saying our AOE is amazing/op, I mean I don’t see it but, even if it is, we are monks. Shouldn’t we be doing way better ST than AOE? I mean be a martial artist, fighting 1 person is a lot easier than fighting multiple people. A bareknuckled fighter shouldn’t be known for his AOE, ST and Toughness? Yes.

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Fists of fury deals 70% more damage to the primary target if it hits no other target.

Boom solved. Srsly this developer business is easy.


I did some grinding today to get to renown 48 for faeline stomp as I am a Night Fae monk.
Once got what I needed I then proceeded to go to Torghast to make the legendary and now I need over 5k soul ash, I had 1500 and after doing two Torghast runs, I now have about 2200 soul ash.

Torghast isn’t remotely fun for me, I don’t find anything about it enjoyable and this is after trying to play differently with the abilities they grant. I just can’t do Torghast anymore, I’d rather do anything else because at this point to me its work and to be very honest, I hate my current job but I digress.

This just isn’t fun for me, I’m not enjoying doing dailys in Korthia or The Maw and I don’t do mythic dungeons because I don’t want to deal with being yelled at by players that feel I’m not playing the way they made up in their mind or read on wowhead or watched in a youtube video.

I feel like l’m done with Shadowlands until the next expansion or patch since I pay for 6 months at a time because I don’t see much in terms of content coming up in the future and I’m just frustrated and annoyed with the current devs constant iteration on gated content and borrowed powers.

I feel that WoW needs an entirely new development team, new writers and a general reboot to how things have been going and how things are going in the future.

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WW ST could definitely use love. However, it’s a delicate balancing act with our core rotational abilities. If BoK is buffed, RSK and FoF need to be as well or else we might get the whole chi efficiency situation we got at the end of Legion where we wanted to avoid using RSK because 2 BoKs did more damage.

I think that a good candidate for a buff would be FoF. It’s ticking damage is pitiful because it’s the equivalent of just doing 4 BoKs. It could be buffed by like 25% so we can see/feel the impact of the change.

It’s busted when we get DoCJ procs, which is a disgusting thought coming from someone who played Monk in Legion where we could pull similar (if not better) numbers with no procs and just one charge of SEF.

The dumb way to buff WW ST would just be to buff our CDs.

The fun and unique way to buff our ST would be to just give us increasing returns to scale on our secondary stats. That will make some fun builds, and I miss being nigh immortal with 90% vers.

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SoD fist weapons tend a bit to the weak ST and were one of the few classes which use it

True, looking at logs first week where WW was at bottom with 3 hunter specs and now hunters are in the middle while WW is still nowhere near a competitive spec when it comes to sustained ST fights like raiding.
One ez solution is just to buff RSK under PVE by 20%. This would buff overall ST by ~5%, making WW a viable pick, not just some ‘padder’ that spins only.
I mean hunters got same level of AOE and ST b4 buffs, why can’t WW get any love?
Anyway I doubt class designers would ever look at these posts and take our feedbacks srsly cuz who cares about WW right?

I’d buff BoK + TP over RSK.

There too busy doing damage control for the real reason why this game has apparently gone down the crapper

If it feels like this game for the past few years has been developed by a bunch of drunk guys slacking off and playing cod in their cubicle it’s because it has.


dont buff hit combo pls

rather see a buff to tiger palm and bok instead. if bok buffs becomes too strong to the point to be worth using it over rsk, then buff rsk as well.

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This would be the move I think. Buffing RSK only would push kyrian back on top, whereas atm we have two covenants that are almost equally solid in raid.

I would prefer to see a flat 5% aura buff, accompanied with a 5% SCK nerf (to keep it where it is now).

If they start buffing BoK I honestly see them going back to the issue they had before where BoK was given priority over RSK.

Windwalker monk is nowhere near bottoml They are in line with Unholy Deathknights and close to Destruction warlocks at the A- range

Where d you see bottom?

warcraft logs they are at the bottom for heroic/normal at 75% and 80%, 90 and 95% they are at middle of the pack

and before “lol heroic/normal” i think its safe to assume most of the playerbase mainly run normal/heroic raids so imo is more relevant data to how “popular” a spec is than looking at mythic data.