Please ban GDKP's in Classic Cata

Botting is cheating. Hacking is cheating. Doing a raid with gold bids is not cheating.

Lol what servers do you guys play on, I’ve seen a total of (1) GDKP post in Cata

Benediction and faerlina are the two main servers. I assume pagle probably and maybe grobbulus. But I play benediction and its quite wide spread pretty much everyone I know does gdkp.

I play on Grobbulus, its not really a thing here. Benediction players, based on LFG, are pretty awful and the culture over there seems really rough. I leave any heroic i get queued into with Benediction players on the spot and take deserter, it isn’t worth the time to play with them. They always ninja, vote kick for loot, act toxic etc. So if that’s the server you are on, its no surprise to me.

Mankrik has some GDKPs. My guild used to run one on our second raid night when we got the raid down to one night but the guys who ran it don’t want to anymore.

It’s more that GDKP’s is a valid loot system for raids and noone can explain an actual problem with it.

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I mean if you sincerly think its true what you wrote in there you must be rtarded af.
With those logs i would sit in silence. You are clearly carried by your gear bought on gdkps, no wo der you dont want them banned

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My logs huh. Can’t count cata raids yet, but the rest are decent, outside of wrath 4.5/Prepatch when I didn’t really raid much at all on my main.

My logs across tbc and wrath are 1000% better than you will ever be, and I ain’t even that good, I just hit buttons. So sit down kid.

So you quit sod cause you couldnt buy all your gear with irl money lol same people who cry about store mouths mfer you buy your gear


RMT goes brrr

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Except they definitely proved in SoD that GDKP’s aren’t the cause of RMT.

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can you also ban HR,SR,MS,OS too? since so many ninjas are rolling for their friends against lone wolf raiders.

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Don’t forget Whitemane. It was one of the three servers on the list of free transfers for the server shutdowns.

That is entirely false sod is dying cuz of lack of content how well the content is and the lame “balance” reduction of damage and healing they implement every weekend for pvp

Don’t worry phase 4 is a new phase with all new content like MC and Ony, oh wait.

I am sorry but this thread is a bunch of nonsense. GDKP ban literally is what killed season of discovery on top of the content draught now.

It makes people raid on chars that are fully geared and it allows nongeared alts to just join a raid without issue. Without these 2 factors you have what sod is, a dead game that is also pug unfriendly.

Don’t worry molten core will save it.

Copium lmfao

GDKPS incentivize playing raids on characters who would otherwise not need to do the raid.

They also make finding pug raids as an alt much easier.

Blaming SOD raid population on a content drought is fine. But the reality is that if you could GDKP in sod the population decrease would not be nearly as pronounced, because gdkp players would still be raiding instead of quitting.

lol…LMAO even. Those “minimum budgets” for “nongeared alts” sure allows people to “join a raid without issue”.

The dishonesty isn’t even clever. It’s just sad.


You could run around in circles for 3-5 hours a week and easily buy stuff in ST in a gdkp.

Bfd gear was going for 10g lmfao.