Please ban GDKP's in Classic Cata

it has an economy but realistically the only way you’d ever know how the wow economy works is if you played wow and had a vested interest in the economy, it works completely different to a real life economy.

For example, when people quit the game, the gold they have on their character is gone forever, or is it? People quitting is literally the biggest gold sink in all of classic, no one ever mentions it though.

your English is amazing, it is almost as good as your parses LOL.

Anyone on Horde Pagel i am creating a weekend raiding guild. It is gonna be a chill environment. Anyone on pagel interested please pm Stoneywon on Pagel. Again this is a horde guild.

I make my gold through the AH, easy task next one please.

Another clown argument lol, who cares about bots and hackers! Let them play how they want!

See how that sounds? Try using your brain kek


Imagine thinking GDKPs are the reason for gold inflation.

:face_with_peeking_eye: Gold Selling RMT

With the token on classic… you have 0% chance of banning GDKP. Blizzard is making copius ammount of money off peoples laziness

You make gold from swipers in GDKPs. Lazy task next one please.


No, pretty sure I make my gold through the AH.

I’m pretty sure you depend on RMT in GDKPs to make gold. You obviously don’t play much since you spend every minute on the forums :skull:


Because the most active players are raiders, and raiders don’t have gathering professions, leading to a low supply of leather with a healthy demand combined with the fact that you can make thousands of gold in a couple hours with quests and archaeology.

Seriously, original cata had this EXACT same inflation and it had nothing to do with GDKP then, and doesn’t now.

Who is having a hard time finding a guild to raid with? Just today I saw no less than 12 different guilds recruiting in LFG on my server. They are constantly looking for players. On top of the fact that most of the time the GDKPs are themselves a community of players.

Which happened as far back as original TBC. In fact, the biggest hurdle I have to getting guildies to queue with me? They want their bonus satchel and would rather solo queue for a chance at mounts. Not a GDKP problem.

All banning GDKP will do in Cata is kill off more of the auxiliary population and lead to the dead servers that SoD is currently.

And this is from someone that hasn’t done a GDKP since Ulduar in Wrath Classic.

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I’m already pre-bis, the only thing left for me to do is raid (which I’ve already done) or level another character (and I don’t really like leveling).

I’ve got 525 Alchemy/Engineering on this character and have 525 Jewelcrafting, Tailoring and Enchanting on three other characters.

What do you propose that I do that isn’t leveling?

I play the game plenty and if you consider that those who make gold off of the AH to be linked to RMT/GDKP’s then good for you, must be nice to be so confidently wrong.

GDKP has been around, in one form or another, since Vanilla. I’m not saying that just because something has always been one way, that it should stay that way; I am saying that, since it’s still around, Blizzard obviously doesn’t care. Good luck, but don’t hold your breath.

But is it that the cat is already out of the bag, so theres no going back?

You have almost the same number of posts as he does and he’s already level capped. So who doesn’t play much and spends all his time on the forum?

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Yes, the prices were that high week 1 of the expansion. I was selling the resonant crystals from DE’ing m0 epics for upwards of 8-10k during the weeks before the season started.

And the first week of season 1 a tier 3 frozen devotion was 60k.

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515 is the same as 5.5k+ posts?

The math isn’t mathing.

Sorry, it’s late. I made a mistake. I looked at the wrong number.

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You still haven’t answered me, what do you think I should do that isn’t leveling? In case you forgot…

Banning GDKP did not help SoD. The RMT is still there. The only difference is trash players get gear and the rest of us have to carry them without getting a pot split at the end.