Please ban GDKP's in Classic Cata

They just don’t know how to make gold, calls everyone who does know how to make gold swipers and that items that have just come out being expensive means that its market is inflated.

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nightmare incursions are actually the most hated sod content ever released and at least half of the threads mentioning it mention long term economic damage through inflation, do you not play sod either? it really seems like you don’t know what’s going on with either of the games

people are definitely crying about the inflated economy on sod, far more than they are complaining about cata’s economy infact…

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Sadly if you’re not in retail ur nothing to blizzard. If they wanted to do more with classic than they would have a larger team then they currently do. Perhaps then we could have extra “classic only” content.

Week 1 of Dragonflight 3 star weapon enchants were around 115k

That dudes “gotcha” is an enchant that takes 5 maelstrom crystals and the only way to get them week 1 was to make an epic profession bop item and disenchant it, do that 5 times.

On a server that has over 35,000 players there was a total of 4 maelstrom crystals up.

Truegold was 4k on server launch, they are already down to 800g/ea


They’re choosing to die on a hill they don’t even fully understand, kinda funny tbh.

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Funny because I reported every single of your posts as trolling.

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These people defending their RMT GDKPs can’t even understand the argument you are making lol. Their brains are fried from all the dopamine hits and lack of impulse control.

Tell me you don’t have gold without telling me you don’t have gold.

We understand, you picked the 1 item that has the lowest current supply and are shocked why it’s expensive.

Why didnt he pick the 60g +15 stats to chest enchant or the haste or crit or mastery to wrists, or the 200g +450 haste proc weapon enchant?

Yea those enchants are Massively inflated being 50g lmfao

How about the 8k crusader enchant on p3 sod launch?

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Maybe move this to the SoD forums. The SoD community is absolutely horrible though. It’s so bad, I deleted all my characters, gave my gold away and stopped following the SoD forums.


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You all r actually delusional… what is so hard about letting people play how they want to play, oh rmt this and rmt that there r WoW tokens in Cata and 100s of ways to fatm gold so if your broke in Cataclysm that’s 100% your fault. Not to mention this same ban nearly knocked out half of SoD’s population and madr it do fully geared raiders have 0 reason to keep running the content putting its population at an all time low. Honestly stop crying play the game your way and let others do the same, dps qs r still under 5-10min and so many guilds recruiting in lfg for raids and pvp… open your eyes and get a lil social like you’ve always had to in MMO’s.

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Gdkps are terrible and jsut insight gold buying

The AH is terrible and just insights gold buying


These Cata GDKP threads are wild.

People here really expect prices to be the same as they were 15 years ago, and they think they know how inflation works?

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Tell me you can’t play without RMT without telling me you depend on RMT to play.

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  1. Blizzard allows you to buy gold in Cata Classic.
  2. GDKP would exist with zero gold buying.

LOLOLOL inflation in a video game made me laugh so hard

It has an economy.

Im a stupid truck driver and even I worry about the intelligence of most of you.