Please ban GDKP's in Classic Cata

good players, trash people. Because wanting to be paid for your entertainment and acting like being alongside other people is suffering makes them so.


No WoW tokens in SoD. Thats why it got banned there. It had nothing to do with making the game fair.

holy hyperbole batman.
When you make terrible comments like this it’s extremely obvious you are not even attempting to discuss in good faith.

i enjoy GDKP as a loot system because it gives me agency over the outcome, it also gives the success of a raid persistence over multiple weeks, even phases.

boiling this down to ‘u just wanna get paid trash person’ is hilarious.

i enjoy GDKP communities as I get to see regular face of people who i recognize as competent players with a shared goal/ideal as me, it is hugely social. The GDKP loot system itself is a metagame within the game that you play WITH people, it persists after the raid is over.

I keep saying this.

Its literally why im a part of so many gdkp discord communities.

Riddle me this, if MS>os or SR is so good why isnt there anyone spamming discords for those raid types?

There is litterally none ever beingt advertised that can actually clear the same content as organized gdkp discords.

It literally has nothing to do with being paid lmfao.

You really just dont get it.

We dont want to waste our time and we like to raid.

GDKP fits us perfectly.

We are LITERALLY a community.

The only good organized SR’s i have been of have been hosted in GDKP discords by GDKP admins as part of alt gearing or shard farming, usually with something reserved to make it worth it for the leadership.
(good raid hosts don’t work for free, this is why there are no good MS>OS runs)

Inflation happened = gdkps fault

Goldbuying happened = gdkps fault

I cant get into groups? = gdkps fault

my sr pug disbands because 4 people leave after a boss kill where their item didnt drop = gdkps fault

AH prices being high = gdkps fault

AH prices being low = gdkps fault

the earth flattening = gdkps fault

Please send help to these people and make them educate themselves before even talking about this topic.

Yes all of this but the second last sentence is sarcasm.

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Global warming = lack of pirates

This ends in next 2 expacs. Group loot rules. Just gave rise to carry rants. It be different lol.

And wod will give another inflation source. 2 actually. Table gold and garrison spam.

Alt addicts will love it.

Definitely do not ban gdkp. That is the main reason sod is dead and cata raiding will follow. If you don’t like GDKP, don’t play in GDKP groups

for a tiny minority of people. For every discord-coordinated on voice efficient GDKP there are a dozen PUGs with the same loot model just wanting to get carried and a half dozen RMT farms or carry sellers. Pretending your or my anecdotal evidence is the norm is asinine.

But more importantly,the whole “Im going to pay monthly for an activity that I do not enjoy except under a very specific set of player-made conditions revolving around valueing imaginary digital currency” mindset is wrong. You cant step back and realize nothing of what you said matters outside the ecosystem you pay to be in. Ultimately, the transactional attitude during a hobby is awful and indicative of behavioral issues, likely a strong tendency towards addiction. At least WoW is healthier than shooting heroine, I guess.


You are paying to play a game. You’re already ‘wasting’ your time. The ‘value’ you get doesnt actually exist. You’re just in far too deep. But, like other cultists, you’ll just get defensive the more you get it explained to you.


I’m not really sure why you’ve been going with these arguments. I mean, to be fair pretending gdkps are the reason is dumb to but if you compare prices to the EU servers it’s obvious that NA has a massive gold buying/p2w issue that is kind of because of gdkps. Though EU has even more of a gdkps culture and less gold buying and inflation. The real issue is there are no GMs and so gold buying/botting is basically allowed. Pretending the prices are normal is weird though.


Volcanic potions are down to under 5g/ea.

Caster flask is 50g/ea.

Its week 2 and you can make 600g per DAY from just doing Tol Barad dailies.

It would cost you around 500g to raid for 4-5 hours in week 2.

In a game with 30k+ poayouts, and youre going to sit here and say this is somehow “inflated”???

You make more than enough as a new player to hit 85 by just doing 35 minutes of Tol Barad dailies in 1 day.

A new player could make 4200 a week just off Tol Barad dailies which is 4x more than the price to raid 2 days a week and get all consumes.

Stop making things up.

If “inflation” was so insane how come the base gold making dailies that never go up because of inflation can still cover your costs really easily?

Minimum wage dailies easily cover the cost of raid consumes in a new version of the game.

Such inflation, much wow.

Thats cap.

Imagine 2 groups.

Both raid for 4 hours.

1 raid does atleast 4-6 heroics and full clears normal.

The other group does 0 heroics and cant finish the raid on normal.

You can obviously see which group id rather be in and why.

You can play dumb all you want.

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The sane answer would be ‘whichever has my friends or entertaining people in’.

Valueing these made up success metrics in your leisure time is whats wrong. But, this discussion isnt even about wanting good vs bad raids, because then the obvious answer would be to join a sweaty guild. The discussion is about being willing to put up with either based on how much gold you get given at the end of it. And then screening people with the goal of maximizing the gold/hour you receive. The entire transactional “you are all using up my precious time” mindset.


What an absurd thing to say. Killing more bosses is a “made up success metric.” Just goofy.

I’m already in a guild. Like many people, I prefer GDKP on alts because those runs are much more organized and successful than your average MS>OS or SR pug.

Oh god, the horror of receiving compensation for staying in a run for the full duration even if your loot doesn’t drop or you don’t win it or the group wipes a few times!

Effort vs reward and delayed gratification are valid concepts in an entertainment activity.

You are partaking in a paid for leisure activity. “Killing bosses” “full duratioN” “loot” etc. are ephemeral concepts that only exists within that ecosystem, they dont have any actual real relevance or import. You’re not being compensated when you receive imaginary currency, you’re just trapped too deep inside the make-believe, the hours you’re trading away are real, everything else isn’t.

Effort vs reward and delayed gratification are valid concepts in an entertainment activity.

But that applies to PUG, Guild and GDKP raiding the same way, the issue I take is pretending that gold makes everything okay and not wanting to play the game you pay for unless paid in imaginary money for it. Its absurd, just coping and addiction. RMT sellers at least are making an income out of it, but those just endlessly piling gold or burning it on consumables for ‘parsing’ are addicts trapped in the loop.


Pass the pipe, brother. You’re smoking the good stuff, clearly.

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