Please ban GDKP's in Classic Cata

Wanna know why me and many of my mates aren’t playing SoD until p4 launch?

GDKP ban

There is zero incentive for me to continue raiding on my near full bis characters.
How very healthy for the SoD community, better to have no player at all instead of a filthy dirty GDKP raider right?

My guild is world 8th wtf are you smoking kid.

“Because I bought gear” That character always raids with my guild and has better parses than any of my gdkp characters.

Youre guild is world 8th on an already cleared content. What a champ. Youre still carried in there looking at your logs dw about that.
Idk if you are mentally challenged or just not being able to read, this is my main sod char on US servers.
Should i call you and spell it or youre able to read on your own?
Progression in classic era servers are literally jacksht since the content is already cleared. How hard is to understand that?

Then stay in cata classic. Gdkp shouldnt be a thing. Trash level of players shouldnt get gear with cardsweps.


There is no good valid reason for gdkp to be banned. It MAY have rmt involved, but literally any aspect of the game which involves gold likely does so how the hell is that an argument…
There is no noticeable benefits seen in sod from the ban of gdkps.

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Racking up credit card debt for pixels. SMH, they should ban GDKP just to protect the RMT addicts from themselves.

It worked out great for SoD. Makes it less convenient for those with low impulse control to RMT, which decreases RMT. There’s a reason people continue to buy $20 WoW tokens despite third party sites selling gold MUCH cheaper…most players who RMT are looking for approved easy methods to do so. They don’t want to risk their account.

The “RMT will happen anyway” argument is rather dumb. That’s like saying “why have laws when people are going to break them”. The logic doesn’t logic and most people who make it are being disingenuous when they say it.


How was your vacation? Did you have to make a new account to post again?

Literally dead. Just checked achievements. You had to make a whole new account to use the forums cause you got banned. Lmfao.

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That’s not a very good comparison.

You need to find a perfectly legal and legitimate activity irl and then attempt to make a law against doing it.

Like using a credit card. Sure, some bad people are going to commit credit card fraud, but that doesn’t mean you outlaw credit cards. You go after the fraudsters. Your “Logic” is to completely ban and eliminate everyone’s ability to use credit cards as a payment method.

Agreed. Please ban GDKP. Im so sick of how RMT, botting and gold buying has DESTROYED the economy. I feel like Blizzard is doing NOTHING about this and it infuriates me. Lvl85 Epics being 100k on the AH is absurd. NEVER would prices have reached anywhere close to this without the BS problems i mentioned above.


Having fun on SoD leveling a new Warlock. No GDKP here and it’s fantastic.


If you knew anything about how supply and demand work you wouldn’t say such stupid things.

GDKPs are terrible for the game, but they’re a symptom, not the cause.

The cause is that nobody wants to just play for the sake of playing. Its the culture inherent to the player base that causes GDKPS. Banning a system wont change how people think or their transactional aproach to raiding.


It isnt this at all.

Try to consider the fact that the other loot systems arent as good as vetting their players, so you typically get bad runs add to the fact that the players who do those other systems arent good at all.

Why do you think there is whole discord communities for gdkps but i never see a discord advertised for MS>OS or SR??

The fact is the people who run organized gdkps on discords are just better players and we dont want to waste time on failed runs.

Its a hard concept to understand when youre on the lower skill side of the game, not saying you specifically are.

who cares, its a game, playing it isnt a hurdle, its the point. The mindset of bad run, bad parses, bad players, ‘wasted time’ is the problem, its a leisure activity you’re not supposed to optimize it because its supposed to be entertaining in and of itself. Rushing to the pixels for bigger numbers is void and pointless, because those just get to be used on more of the thing you’re optimizing to avoid.

Unless you’re taking that gold and cashing it through RMTs of course, then it makes all the sense in the world.


So you cant grasp the idea of people not wanting bad runs?

Are you just being disingenuous on purpose?

If i go to a raid and im going to commit 3 hours i would expect to make progress, not sit here wipe over and over for 3 hours because frankly im not having fun at that point anymore.

Another thing is youre acting like this content is easily done for pugs, its not, heroic cata is prolly the hardest version of classic raids so far.

If you cant grasp this simple concept youre just showing how biased and stubborn you truly are.

And I don’t consider it entertaining to wipe because people can’t figure out how to not stand in fire. I also don’t consider it entertaining when people drop group when the loot they wanted doesn’t drop or they don’t win it.

So incredibly not true at all. Not even a little.

C’mon now, what are the odds crews later wrath settled on a roster to bring over to cata.

Okay, pretty damned good.

Many are in heroic dungeon still gearing. Classic classic folk love to say well now it’s retail.
If so dungeon is where you get raid gear. It expands later when mythic comes.

Some are still digging. I cannot judge them. I’ve run months of legacy raid for a mount retail side. It could be an ugly mount. But I will make that damned thing drop. So I get that obsession.

this weird idea that GDKPs are full of trash players is completely wrong.

GDKP raids have been, since classic 2019, the most well organized, successful and stress free PUG raids i have participated in, it’s not even close.

I strongly believe that anyone who says things like this has never actually participated in an organized GDKP raid, and thinks that some trade chat pug hosted by ‘xialongxi’ is all there is.


These will be the people if we get wod saying mythic players also bought their success when they start running carries. As good mythic teams burn up gold. Carries help offset costs,

Yeah, team echo is only good because they fund their team heavily with carry gold. Take away that carry money, they’d suck. Hahahaha, yeah, no.

Many in gdkp are good players who don’t want to wait for 5 people on ml roster. Bonus hate for them when it’s buddy of the Gm who still parses like crap after getting items.

Some gdkp I know just said screw it. And if they lose bid, they get some pot split money, they leave with something besides a hollow. “Well better luck next week”.