Please Add More Transmog for Feral/Guardian

I posted this in General but realized its probably more appropriate here.

I made a post yesterday asking to bring back the Mage Tower appearances. This went over exactly as I expected with people being divided, some very against, some apathetic and some for it. The post was made as a general topic about bringing back any unobtainable appearances to appeal to a wider audience, but the root of the reason why I made it was specifically the extreme lack of Feral/Guardian transmog. By virtue of removing the Mage Tower skins they essentially removed 20% of the transmog options available to new Guardian/Feral Druids or ones that simply couldn’t play during Legion (such as myself).

The Mage Tower skins for most classes were just a unique class themed model in a sea of thousands and thousands of transmogs, but for Guardian/Feral specifically the Legion skins are our only transmog options in the game (+the Fire Kitty rare toy from Firelands that was added in WoD). I know Feral and Guardian have had a lack of cosmetics as a problem for the entire game, but Legion proved Blizzard could figure out how to provide unique transmogs for these two specs, only to have the idea completely abandoned in BfA. If they don’t want to bring back the mage tower appearances then thats fine, but the complete lack of any new cosmetics for Cats/Bears is why the removal of Mage Tower appearances is exceptionally punishing.

No other spec has had 0 new transmogs added for their primary form in BFA other than Guardian/Feral. DH’s can use any of the new sword/mace/axe models as well as a plethora of new Warglaives that only DH’s can use yet still can be added each tier. Why is it that Feral/Guardian are the only specs forced into playing Legion content if we want to unlock different appearances? DH’s even got special treatment by allowing BC content to be transmogged (Illidans glaives). If locks can still obtain green fire, and DH’s can still get warglavies, both of which only apply to one class, then it seems reasonable to ask Blizzard doesn’t completely abandon Feral/Guardian transmog as well.

If they want to be lazy they can just rehash Mage Tower skins it would at least be something, but I am 100% ok with not being able to get the Mage Tower skins if they at least continued to develop new skins as well. Considering transmog is the real end game, it means that for Feral/Guardian the only endgame that matters is going back and doing Legion content, which is not a good design in my opinion.

TL;DR: Feral/Guardian transmog appears to have died with Legion and this is unfun for those that play these specs, either add new cat/bear form options in BFA or bring back the Mage Tower skins if the only transmog content for us is going to be in outdated Legion content. I would personally prefer they continue adding more new skins, but if thats too hard to do for a small indie company like blizzard than at least take the lazy route and let us get all of the old ones.


Id settle for not ruining my transmog with ugly weapons to get my bear skins.


Yeah this pretty much. If I had the ability to use the artifact forms without having to use the weapon apperance I’d be much, much happier.


Maybe give balance some different forms as well?


It would be nice if gear actually changed our appearance, like adding another dangly or whatever, but it’s just not cost-effective for Blizzard’s art team to work on that. If they make a plate helmet, once they adjust for the races, it works for all the plate classes. Which is a big chunk of players.

I’ve been a bear for a long, long time, and remember when we still looked like our level 10 bear even at max level. I remember when they added the first changes in Wrath (bear/cat changing color based on character’s skin tone). The Legion forms were a huge step in the right direction.

The biggest problem with the Legion forms is that some of them just aren’t very good and don’t get used. I see a lot of people with the various Avatar of Ursol skins (the neon bears, my personal favorite), and occasionally I see somebody with Might of the Grizzlemaw (furbolg skin) or VERY rarely Fallen to Nightmare (the pvp skins), or even rarer still Guardian of the Glade (with the bone ribcage frame armor).

But I can’t even remember the last time I saw somebody with Stonepaw or the default artifact skin (the one with the Christmas ornaments hanging off our fur).

So another problem for Blizzard is that even when they give us 24 new skins, a lot of them just don’t get used. Not a good use of time. Of course, the same could be said for a lot of armor/weapons that don’t get used for transmog by anybody, I’m sure.

Maybe it’s just cuz I remember being Level Ten Bear for years, and am happy with our current selection, but I think we’re doing OK in terms of appearances.

EDIT: I’d MUCH rather they change our frame back to the old one and get rid of the BfA frame. We don’t look like a bear anymore, we look like a permian synapsid. Bears don’t have their legs sticking out to the sides; they have their legs under their body, like a dog or a human. When Blizzard changed the bear wireframe in BfA, it made it incorrect.

Moonkin can be glyphed into a astral humanoid, I wonder if Blizz could make glyphs that turn cat/bear into humanoids with different visual? For example:

Cat form -> Saberon (WoD) wearing your current armor.
Bear form -> Not sure.

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Maybe give balance some different forms as well?

I would love that, but if they didn’t get them in Legion it seems like an even bigger uphill battle than Guardian/Feral who at least have precedent we can point to and say, look you did this before why can’t we continue the trend of adding new cosmetics for cat/bear form .

I’d like to use my Legion forms with out being bound to the weapons. So if that happens I think we all can look just a bit better.


I’d like to use my Legion forms with out being bound to the weapons. So if that happens I think we all can look just a bit better.

I agree they should just make Cat/Bear transmog a unique feature separate from the weapons and continue adding new skins. Maybe each tier once they (hopefully) realize moving away from class tier sets was a terrible idea they could make an item that drops from the raid with a unique zone themed cat/bear form appearance. It may only be 1 new skin per tier, but ~3-4 new cat/bear skins each xpac would be fine by me, certainly better than the 0 we are on track to get.


As someone who skipped the druid mage tower because I figured I wouldn’t play druid much going forward, I am against unlocking the mage tower skins for anyone who missed them. It does not matter if you weren’t playing WoW at the time, didn’t play druid at the time, or just couldn’t complete the challenge. Those skins are a reward for druids who were playing during the end of Legion and who did put in the work to unlock them. Not every player is entitled to every item. Some things are limited time items for people who put in the time and effort during that limited span of time. That should never be changed.

That being said, druids do need more skins. And those skins should be shared across druid races, leave the custom race skins to the base models. Boomkins need it the most. I was a little disappointed (despite not playing boomkin, myself) that the artifact weapon in Legion didn’t give boomkins unique skins. Boomkin needs them the most because they’ve been rocking the same skins since vanilla (though it did get a much needed graphical update). I don’t care if new skins come in the form of rep vendor items, glyphs, dungeon drops, etc.

I also really hate that using the guardian druid legion skins results in my flight form having bear claw artifact weapons mounted on my wings at all times.


I’d love a glyph to make my feral a sabreon skin

I completely agree with this post. I wish that we had more freedom in actually customizing our form appearances with the Legion skins, e.g. Even playing resto, if I could choose and assign what my bear, cat & travel form looked like.

This hits two big points:

  • Character customization and expression
  • Variety in druid forms

Since we spend a majority of the time in our various druid forms, the ability to choose how are forms look like become and important part of how we want to express our character in-game. Changing my hair has less of an impact if I spend 90% of my time in bear form. It would also be great to reuse the amazing art assets done in Legion as well! I feel like it’s such a waste to have them tied to the artifacts like they currently are.

I understand it must be technically difficult to pull off, but if Blizzard would be able to pull something off like this for druids, it would be so engaging!



As someone who unlocked the feral mage tower skin I agree they should still allow others to unlock the skins . I have both the dh and outlaw skins as well and its frustrating the other spec skins are gone. Yes people worked hard to unlock the skins and yes they are ment to showoff how skilled we are at our class but if that is the case give those whom unlocked then in current content a title or something to set them apart just like they did with the green fire quest line in mop. If you completed the quest prior to the wod prepatch at title was given and a feat of strength added to your achievement log. Just let us remove the weapon requirement for tmog as well let us swap to the form but keep our current weapons .

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I think the ability to glyph the appearance could work too. Solves the problem with using weapons that you don’t want to so you can have a cool bear/cat and that way a balance or resto Druid could also have a cool bear/cat form.

Also how would people feel about say a troll being able to have the appearance of NELF cat or NELF being able to get a Tauren bear, etc?

there was a lot of talk over this in legion.

if you really wanted the skins you should have gotten them then, blizzard was very clear that they would be unobtainable in the future.


i understand that they talked about it but i left during nighthold raid and i jsut camw back during school why dont they add a time walking to it so they can’t be out geared and make they accessible during some kind of event maybe one a month for a weekend

I busted my tail to get the guardian and feral skins. It would be disrespectful to all the people that spent an obscene amount of hours to get them to ever bring it back.

With that said the only thing i feel bad about is that i dont play druid at all, because the feral skin is the most gorgeous thing in the game and i havent used it in a year


I unfortunately was not following wow news so I was unaware of this, honestly if blizzard had sent an email saying “Come back now, limited time skins to be removed come 8.0” I would have resubbed even though I might not have had the time to actually commit to getting them, but when life has you busy and you have to unsubscribe you don’t always check mmo champion and scour every blue post.

As I said though, I’m fine if they don’t bring back the mage tower skins, but they should add more new unique ones themed to the new content is what I am asking for.

I also would be ok if Blizzard took the lazy route of releasing a recolored version of the Mage tower skins available through a rare drop or challenge of some kind. It wouldn’t require any new model/animation work so they don’t need to invest much effort and allow the original ones to remain unique and represent the accomplishment, but not completely remove unique models from the extremely limited transmog pool for Guardian/Feral as it is. It would be like the T3 recolors in WOTLK in 10 man Naxx. I don’t think anyone confuses the original Dreadnought set with the new T7 version and I have no problem using the T7 recolor on my War just to have the cool model, only with uglier colors because I didn’t raid in vanilla and didn’t earn T3 (or buy it from the BMAH).


I would really like a way to get the guardian skeleton. A different more plain colour would be fine by me because I think there should be things in the game that are rare.

The skeleton of that model though I’ts so cool i just wish I could use it.

What’s sad is, Claws of Shirvallah would probably be a good talent now (depending on where it lands) IIRC it was lackluster in WoD?