Please add Duel spec to TBC

My guild that had three kara teams cant even field a single raid team now. So many people quit because anytime they wanted to do content other then raids they had to drop gold to respec and it got out of control.


Lol, the noob hiding on an alt char, who claims that classic is ridiculously easy, is crying that his garbage guild can’t handle respec costs.


Ladies and gents the classic community. You can see they lash out at anything not in there bubble. Meanwhile most of them cant handle LFR.

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Welcome back.

Might I suggest posting in a more polite manner?

En garde!!


According to a pretty reliable source, the data indicate that the reason people quit is almost always “I have less time to play now (job/school/family” and “My friends don’t play anymore.”

Based on so much data, it’s not super open to debate.

Adapt to the game instead of demanding that the game be adapted to you.


He said please dude, nobody is “demanding” anything. And farming hours of primals/herbs whatever instead of actually playin the game (pvp/pve) isn’t “adapting”

That sounds to be more of a problem with your guild than with the game.
Maybe you shouldn’t have invited so many spoiled and lazy retail kiddies.

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I’m sorry OP, I believe Shadowlands might have the features you’re looking for. This is an old game and many modern gamers might not like these old fashioned RPG features. The good news is that Shadowlands is very much designed for the modern gamer!


Cry more.

Or dont, please.

Duel SPEC would be a 4th tree, just for duels?

Nah, knowing that I annoy little cancel culture princesses is enough reward to keep at it. Why don’t you make another useless poll where people who agree with you, agree with you and then call it proof? I mean, you guys could do that or learn to cope at the game, but obviously you cannot do that.

I haven’t made a single poll, btw.

I don’t want Dual Spec for my own personal use. I’ve respecced a total of 4 times in the last 2 years. I want Dual Spec because I want my guild and the game in general to be more active.

what happened to sl/sl, isn’t it the king of duel specs?

the classic community lol

The fact that back in 2006 the game and the community thrived and grew by the millions, and now we’ve got these entitled Retail players whining about every little inconvenience just demonstrates how far the playerbase has fallen. They can’t deal with anything.

By the way, flag this thread for the spam it is and move on.

Farming for hours IS playing the game. You’re literally playing the game.

WoW is a game of time. Everything you can get in the game, from reaching max level, to getting an epic mount, to getting raid gear is all a matter of how much time you invest in the game. Asking for character boosts, dual spec, wow tokens, etc. is little more than the players asking for a shortcut, to get something without putting in the time it takes to get that thing.

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Yep exactly. It’s amazing that people still haven’t grasped this.

The entire MMO formula is time spent = Power.

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