Playing with a controller, any tips?

I really wish I was smart enough on how people do controller support. Even with YouTube tutorials I felt so confused haha. I’m really showing my age lol. Makes me want to get that valve steam mobile system to try wow.

haha yeah it takes some getting used to for sure. I spent almost the whole day Saturday just trying to figure out how to get it set up in a way that made the most sense to me. And I think some classes are definitely easier than others. I tried it without the addon first but just couldn’t get the hang of it. I have some stuff down now but other things are still difficult! Just takes practice though I think. I used to feel the same way about keybinds years ago but they are second nature to me now. Even us old dogs can learn new tricks :slight_smile:

Maybe I’ll give it one last try on my day off lol. You inspire me :rofl:

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I prefer using the console command ‘GamePadCursorForTargeting 2’ - the 2 modifier will make it so the AOE will go to your current target. Unfortunately ConsolePort overrides this great option with a worse option so you have to put this in every time. But it’s worked great for me as DH.

Right now the main problem I’m having playing controller is that the new targeting system has bugged out the cleartarget function so you will be stuck hard targeting a corpse for no reason and it’s impossible to clear it without the use of a macro which is very irritating. Otherwise it works okay. Just really bad in dungeons when you’re trying to support the tank and focus their target and the game is stuck targeting a corpse from a pull ago. :roll_eyes:

I would recommend giving this video a watch: watch?v=u7IYkMmpIfk it has a macro and UI setup that I like and is a lot more intuitive to set up than ConsolePort which frankly is a little obtuse. I still use it but I don’t use the action bars that comes with the addon. With the built in controller support you can just assign the buttons very easily whereas with ConsolePort you have to dig through a bunch of menus and stuff.

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This corpse-targetting thing is driving me nuts! I keep forgetting to clear target or press my esc kb to change targets and try to figure out for a sec why my skills aren’t going off.

Has anyone discovered a workaround to this?

Until you get the hang of it, and an expensive controller with back paddles, I do not recommend Druid.

Every other class should work just fine.

I had no problem getting AotC when I cared to go for it maining either a healer or tank. I’ve used ConsolePort exclusively since Legion and even completed all of the Mage Tower challenges I cared to do with a controller.

WoW adapts pretty comfortably to controller play.

I believe learning a new tool during rehabilitation to be potentially more detrimental to long term recovery. Depending on your pre injury shoulder health, mobility, proprioception and strength, and your past experience using the same controller format. If the injury / loss of limb function is to stay, then looking to the future and adapting to a controller is a way to maintain positive habits.

Its not like your spine is going to start growing new arms, but still in the caution of developing neck strain from having to learn how to hold up one device you are not used to, while avoiding what would set off your shoulder.

i can imagine working around the problems that come with a controller except one thing…

nothing beats mouse look, “keyboard turning” with a thumb stick sounds like a big nono

let’s just say id rather have you use a mouse if youre in my m+ groups :wink:

i imagine you need two thumbsticks to move around while freelooking, which leaves very few options to press buttons while that’s going on. sounds like an handicap

The skies the limit if you’re willing to become drummer boy. Keybind each quadrant in camera view, the pacing of the game is still set by gcds and potential preplanning of movement. Controllers are similar to playing first person where I’d imagine the whole group being on the same control system helps keep the flow of things manageable.

I’d rather attach multiple electrodes to my nipples.

/targetenemy [noexist][dead]

How do i go about applying this?

Do i create a macro for my rotational abilities or a standalone targetting macro?

Use macros and gse addon

Won’t be optimal but it’ll get the job done

General rule is hate anything different.

Just use the “Toggle Game Menu” to clear the target. If you’re using Console Port with a PS5 controller the default button is the PS5 Logo button.

If you don’t have a target it will obviously pull up the game menu… just like the kb esc key. Also, just like the escape key, it will clear your selected target.

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While normally I wouldn’t suggest using a controller in a situation like this I can understand it.

Best wishes to a speedy recovery!!

I use the xbox elite controller for the extra paddles, and set it up through xbox accessories to make my paddles funtion as left and right stick press which (consoleport addon) makes them my modifiers. Other 2 buttons i cant think off hand what i set them to, but they are buttons that are awkward for me to press in a hurry. One of them is my enemy target scan. Which u can press to clear the dead target lock.
Ive played hunter, dh, druid, and working on rogue atm on controller. Only came back to wow to try out the controller hype in this expansion, so far i can say its been pretty good.

I played on a laptop on a recliner when I had surgery to repair my labrum 13 years ago. It worked out quite well since I just used my mouse on the armrest but I would of been f’ed if I only had my desktop at the time (def could not play on a regular desk for 6 weeks)

I have not used a mouse since the beginning of this expansion and am playing prot paladin, now tanking 15-16 mythic+. Never been happier. I use ControlPort, sure it could be improved here and there, but in general it works very well and is also intuitive once you have gotten the hang of it.

Targeting is a bit convoluted, but nothing you cannot master. My main complaint is that some menu’s are not recognized by the addon, so I still need to manually use the mouse for that (something like selecting items to be upgraded with valor, but it may depend on me using elvui, not sure…).

There is a lot of hate around controllers, personally it wasn’t even a choice for me. I easily have wrist issues so it’s either that or quitting.

My advise is to start with a character who is still questing to get comfortable with it. Switching from mouse to pad when you are already playing high level is not something I advise you to do.

Also to ppl saying you need an addin for it, you don’t need one really.

/gamepad enable allows you turns controller on.

Additionally make sure you mess with these commands;

Camera movement;

/console SET camerapitchMoveSpeed
/console SET cameraYawMoveSpeed

Turn speed:

/console turnspeed

If you want full movement freedom that is.

As first poster said.


You’re just handicapping yourself. Wow is ment for a keyboard.