Playing this game is so boring now as an open world/solo player

But both players you’re describing have made the choice on how to spend their game time. They are playing the content they are interested in and paying the same subscription to do so. If people are playing to not do group content, they are still paying and if Blizzard wants their money, they should put in some breadcrumbs for them as well.

I don’t think that group content rewards should be handed to players not doing that content, but something should be given to them to keep them interested in playing. Having no “casual/solo” content for Season 4 patch was kind of lame for a whole group of paying subscribers.


I never asked for this, either. Anyone who is coming into this thread with this mentality has already lost the point.

No matter how many times you guys say this, you will still be wrong about solo/outdoor content being a substantially large part of the game at some point. WoW most assuredly had large swathes of solo content in the past.


Also this argument that a majority of players can’t clear raids therefore Blizzard should divert design and resources away from it is stupid.

In WoW, this has ALWAYS been the case. Endgame has always had a barrier to entry. The raids are hard. Not everyone clears them.

That’s perfectly fine.

Bellular pointing that out isn’t a “GOTCHA GIVE SOLO PLAYERS FREE STUFF” moment. It’s the way it






No. Just because you give a company money and buy a game doesn’t mean they need to cater towards you and change their company’s vision, and ideals.

Blizzard clearly intends for players to do Group content. Its what most of the content is in the game. Even your open world content has group quests, and group world bosses. Its the majority of content.

You choose not to play the game how the developers intend you to play it. Thus have nothing to do, and don’t get rewarded.

It is already a substantial part of the game. No one is making an opposite argument.

We’re telling you that this is an MMO and you’re not playing it as one and that’s on you.

Why are you asking such a question? Do you truly not understand what MMO and RPG stand for?

MMO= Massive Multi-player online. Which means Lots of people online in the same game at the same time. That’s it.

RPG = Role Playing Game.

No where, no where do those stand for forcing people into team play. It means opportunities for playing with others, however those people choose, whether it be dungeons, raids, guilds, RP or random encounters with others out in the world.

I’ve seen more anti-social behavior and complains by the so-called ‘team players’ than solo players.

The argument you’re making here has been repeated often and it’s an invalid one.

The fact that Blizzard is actually not focusing on RPG or world and rather getting into a single style of game mentality is a separate issue and more to the argument the OP is making.

There’s nothing for solo players because Blizzard has changed its focus in its game design. For the worse to my mind. I know I’m fairly turned off with SL at this point and that has not happened to me in all the years I’ve played. Certainly I did not get bored in BFA, it was far better designed with things to do from my point of view.

I think one of the reasons WoW has lost so many players is it has lost the part that gave it a wide appeal. Many players just leave, they don’t feel a need to announce it.

OP: I suggest you do what a number of folks are doing (myself included). Enjoy the old content, do the things there you hadn’t done yet. Level the toons you wish (SL is greatly streamlined if you’ve gotten one toon to 60 there). Focus on the world, such as it is.

I don’t believe Blizzard is going to change any time soon, everything so far shows this. I don’t have high hopes for DF but I’ll accept a change as at least something novel for the short term. We’ll see if they clue in or not.

There are an estimated 2-3 million active players in WoW currently. 95% of them do content with other players. i.e Raids, Mythic+, Arena, BGs, etc. No matter how grandiose you think your play style is. WoW is a MMO that people play with other players. Solo content will ALWAYS be the last thing on Blizzard’s mind.

Or, WoW could do stuff correctly. You shouldn’t have to leave a whole game community simply because they’re messing stuff up, and EVERYONE HERE knows how Blizzard is with their promises and such. If they could listen to the community before Dragonflight, this would be resolved.

All we need to do is look at participation in content. You can avoid doing that if you want to pretend that there are more players now than ever before, but nobody is going to believe you.

Glad you asked. Though I know you’re not serious about wanting to hear this, or you wouldn’t have said “plays only half the game”, as though somehow a raid logger who barely plays at all is playing 48 hours worth of “game” when he only logs in 3 hours a week.

All other things being equal…

  • Someone who plays less is more casual than someone who plays more.
  • Someone who plays easy content is more casual than someone who plays harder content.
  • Someone who is low-skilled is more casual than someone with mad skillz but isnt actually using those skills.
  • Someone who does less group content is more casual than someone who plays more.
  • Someone who never does scheduled organized group content is more casual than someone who prefers it or does it exclusively.
  • Someone who accepts that there are people who play for different reasons, have different content preferences, and different skill sets is more casual than someone who harshly judges anyone they think is playing the game wrong.

So, you are more casual than a cutting edge raider, but less casual than a normal raider. But that last one, the casual vs elitist attitude, since you think casuals are people who “don’t play half the game” means you are not casual at all.

I am hardcore because my levelers do leveling dungeons. I read it right here so it must be true. This poster is trying to convince us that 95% of players spend 100% of their time doing hard content in scheduled guild groups, so surely she can link us to her source.


No they didn’t lol. They never changed their focus in game. Its always been. Level up. Do dungeons. Go kill the big boss in the raids. Thats never changed. Its been a staple of WoW so much that almost every other MMORPG on the market does it because its considered the core loop of that.

Also I’m not sure what part of Massive multiplayer to people screams. Play it alone and not with other people.

Dungeons are a major part of almost all RPGS. Skyrim has them, DnD has it. Cyberpunk has them to some extent.

So if dungeons and earning items from harder stuff is a core progression to RPGS. Add the ability to have other players…of course its going to be play with those people for better rewards.

Idk why people are being so dishonest about the game they’re playing. If you want to play a single player solo game. Go do it? Theres plenty out there. WoW isn’t one of them. It hasn’t been, and there is 0 hints it ever will be.

Shadowlands has more for solo players than we’ve had in the past. If this isn’t enough. Sorry but this is the best it’ll be.

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If you don’t go where your customers are, then you’ll lose customers.

It’s business 101.

I do agree that Blizzard has blinders on and are forcing themselves into shoehorning players in to some odd vision, but not evolving to meet demand is shooting themselves in the foot.

They announced months ago what S4 was gonna be. That was-More WoW.

If you’re still here paying and ignoring content-there’s good news. Assassins creed Valhalla is free on PSN right now and it’s a really good game.

Seriously. Don’t come here crying there is nothing to do when you’re not doing anything.

Yeah? So what do you think RPG means? Running Pug Groups? Raging Pug Groups? Would not surprise me LMAO!

2.5 million characters ran a mythic plus last season. According to general discussion experts only like 10% to 20% do mythic plus. Also the game is dying.


I’m sure that Blizzard is going where their customers are. The 80 of you on the forums are about the only ones who think they are some massive super majority that owns the keys to the financial castle.

Bet they were not 2.5 million different accounts!


Certainly not

No one said they did 100% “hard” content; my point is that 95% of players are not so casual that they dont even do basic raids or mythics. Even then doing basic content vs. “solo” viable content isnt “hard”. In season 1 there were 57 million submissions of M+10 keys just to name ONE field of content.

So is your argument that casual is a spectrum now? We’re to a point where we can’t even be honest with one another that Casual up until recent has always referred to a playtime?

I cleared most of Fated Nath on heroic first night just raiding for 4 hours after work. I then logged off. Thats not 48 hours of work and effort. It was one night after work. Casual gameplay.

You don’t don’t have to sink 1,000’s of hours into a game to be decent at it. Heroic isn’t even that big of a step up from normal.

So because I think people who complain theres nothing to do should try playing the other half of the game’s progression systems they’re ignoring. For stuff to do. I’m an elitist? I still only play a little for raid night, and then a few times for Roleplay. Cuz I’m a casual. I’m not even on a raid heavy server. I’m on Moonguard the meme RP server. This is about as Casual as you can get.

Listen, just because you raid normal mode or something does not make you an elite. Quit always referencing mythic raiders and applying to all modes of raiding. I’d wager more people do keys ,pvp, or raiding on some level than players who done none of those. You are always parading around on here talking about elitists and playing such a hard victim card dear lord.

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