To be fair any interviews that Blizz devs give to hype up DF are going to be about things in DF. All these things players have referred to Ion saying about changes, were they before or after the DF announcements?
This game is dying a slow death enjoy
Oh no, we got ourselves a WoW’s dead/dying troll alt. Oh goodness Mr lvl 10, I’m sure you fully know the playerbase numbers that nobody releases or knows. LOL
Its not “World of warcraft” its “Instances of warcraft”
When you focus most of your development. reward structure, balance , content in instances like Dungeons, raids, BGs , Arenas … guess what happens to open world pvp and pve ?
Naturally wow’s playerbase overtime would only love instances and ones who like open world would be playing another game. That’s why you see many players in game , in these forums would only talk about instance content , sitting in their location scrolling down the group finder like a shopping list and looking down on any attempt’s in making open world content relevant since they hate open world and do not want it to be part of their progression . These players shouldn’t actually be playing MASSIVE multiplayer online games that all about world building but dungeon crawler games that are all about instance content.
Blizzard can fix this easily over an expansion , but without losing a lot of subs and going on with slow recovery of getting players back .
Dang, I must be in your head, too…I could have sworn I really went around Elwynn, Westfall, Redridge, and Duskwood and did pet battles there today; it seemed so real!
Those warm, fuzzy feeling zones. Love em.
This is how WoW’s always been? The core loop has only changed with adding M+, and giving Open world players higher level gear. Vanilla had no open world PVE. You had world bosses. you had no Open world pvp. The game didn’t even have Dueling when it launched.
We went from an RTS, to a character focused MMO RPG. Its remained a dungeon/raid crawling game since it came out lol.
So do normal
It ain’t rocket science
Season 4 focuses on experimenting with Mythic+ and how to bring back older content in a fresh and enjoyable way, to effectively eliminate ‘droughts’ at the end of an expansion
If you want to do normal, whether it is dungeons, raids, normal open world stuff, or nothing at all that requires organizing … then do so
The game hasn’t changed, if you enjoyed it prior to the patch, you’ll enjoy it after the patch - this is just another “Slimecat” thread because if this was the actual genuine thing, to ‘just play the game one enjoys’ … what’s the point of the thread?
Nothing’s changed to impact one negatively if one enjoyed it before, so the only change that it literally can be about, is the Slimecat - so yes, this is just another take on it
If all one wants to do is normal… then do it - game’s still the same, so it is just as fun now as it was before in that department
Open world/solo play is boring to me ever since, not just now.
Good thing, there are dungeons and raids (and PvP).
I agree, OP! I really loved the XP buff. If that’s ALL that solo/casuals were given, I’d be a happy camper. I mean, what’s being sacrificed in giving us that? I don’t even understand it.
I know right? I am having a blast leveling in all those zones with my lowbie girl right now!
Next time, think before you post.
Nope not in vanila, TBC. Majority of the population were busy leveling, crafting and pvping in the open world . Some where just trying not get their weapon skill up.
You know back then when there was no boosts, professions mattered since leveling was so slow. Epics where actually epics, legendary that existed were hardly seen.
The reason ppl raided was to pvp effectively in the open world , Yeah do pve to pvp
look at my achievement points compared to yours you know nothing. Just made yourself look stupid with that comment have a good day.
Or it’s actually healthy at times to go play other games and take a break from wow. This is a casual player who likes to level… yet only likes it if they do it faster than they normally do??? Sounds like burnout toe. take a break till deagonfligjt. Don’t need to be all doom and gloom and exaggerate things.
Did you know that “Rested experience” used to be the other way around?
When the game was in the beta it was actually a negative effect, where you would have to spend time in an inn to get the normal experience rate and if you spent more time than that, there was actually a debuff to your experience gain
This is relevant because of what happened when they changed it so the baseline, was the negative amount of experience gained, and the rested experience was phrased as a bonus instead: folks loved the change, despite no numbers actually changed
The perception of what was an ‘acceptable pace of acquiring experience’ changed, just because they changed the wording of the experience gain - if we have this bonus for months, and that becomes the new ‘norm’ in terms of experience gain … you have to keep it indefinitely
Which means that if they ever want to increase experience gain again to try to encourage people to play on other characters, the 50% bonus this was, has to become upwards of 100%, and the next one, 150%, and so on and so on - always changing what the ‘acceptable norm’ is
There is a REALLY big downside if the game has a permanent or semi-permanent experience boost active at all times, because it makes experiencing the world a worse experience even if in the short term, you get more people out into the world
What is this, ‘break from WoW’ you speak of?
Is it related to the ‘go outside’ phrase I see every now and then?
I played in TBC. Again Open world and PVP content wasn’t a major thing. It was still raiding, it was still raiding and dungeons and heroic dungeons. You didn’t get character progression in open world pvp, or pve. You had your dailies for rep, and your PVP objectives that died out early on. I even played on a PVP server back then and they were still dead.
If you wanted your pvp gear, it was get into Battlegrounds and arenas for your PVP stats. Which weren’t on PVE gear.
So again. WoW’s character progression has never, and will never be tied to Open world anything.
Some of your responses are straight silly imagine if dragonflight came out with no new raids dungeons or any pvp progression I bet alot of these responses would be different if it only had stuff for people who did no endgame lol.
Overall I find playing solo this far along has made me feel kinda lonely and sad at times , but yeah I agree… they could of had ez wins but decided against keeping the XP buff 'till pre patch at least and all that buzz but they’ll be waiting 'till participation drops off I’m guessing or at least I assume they would.
Season 4 is to keep their core carrot chasers busy.