Playing the game "in order"?

Some useful reference links:

  1. Class/Spec Guides -
  2. General info and comments on everything from how to complete X quest, to gear, to zones, factions, etc., etc. -
  3. Profession leveling -
  4. Hunter pets -
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One you hit 50, you are locked out Chromie Time. (When you hit 50 in Chromie Time, it turns itself off automatically and ports you to the main city. You can still go back and finish any quests, but it won’t scale.)

At 48, you become eligible for the Shadowlands starter quest, which blocks Chromie Time. You can still change expnasions at Chromie at that point, but once you turn it off after 48, turning it on becomes more annoying. It can be done at 48 and 49 by abandoning the Shadowlands starter quest and then very quickly talking to Chromie before the quest repops into your log. The other reason to stop XP at 47 is that it will prevent any Shadowlands stuff from causing phasing issues.


Check this thread.

I’m doing pretty much the same thing except on alts to try different classes. Are there particular expansions where the story is very different depending on Hoard or Alliance? I played BfA a bit on both sides and it was very different. Doing Burning Crusade right now and wasn’t sure if it’s mostly the same content from slightly different angles.

BfA is probably the most dramatically different between Horde and Alliance. The other main one I can think of would be the first Warlords zones (Frostfire for Horde and Shadowmoon for Alliance). The various racial starting zones also could fit into that — basically any zone where only one faction has major questing.

Outside of those faction specific zones, questing will usually fall into one of 3 categories. (And zones may have quests in each of the different categories.)

  1. Neutral quests. Both factions do the exact same quests.
  2. Mirrored quests. The quests are faction specific, but both factions are basically getting the same quests. (Even the rewards and quest names are often the same in these cases.)
  3. The same basic (but not identical) questing content, but with a faction specific perspective.

So, to use Hellfire Peninsula as an example:

You’ve got a lot of mirrored quests early on. Both factions are collecting scrap and burning each others catapults and doing the same quests against the Legion, but the quests are given by faction specific NPCs.

You also have quite a few “perspective” quests. Probably the strongest example here are the Mag’har quests on each side, but there are more subtle versions for example in how both factions interact with the Unyeilding spirits or the Pools of Agrammar stories.

Finally, you’ve got the neutral faction quests that come from the Cenarion outpost and the Goblin Zepplin crash.

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