Players ruined Classic, not Blizzard

I have to agree I tried it and it was been here done that… It reminded me how much I hated the vanilla grind

imagine a community being blamed for their own actions


Cynical self-fulfilling pessimism isn’t going to help. Megaserver problems have an easy, albeit unsatisfying, solution: don’t play on them.


There’s about a 7% variation between Horde and Alliance. The difference is where the players choose to be, not the faction they choose.

They appear heavily dominant in PVP play, but see above for dispute of that.

People are very divided on the elements of LFD that they want, and the effect they want to avoid.

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Why did a only a 7% difference lead to hour long bg queues?

Because not everyone PVPs, nor do they PVP when you are. Most PVE servers are Alliance dominated.

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Couldn’t that be explained by varying BG participation rates across the factions?

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So you agree that the majority of pvpers rolled horde. Faction balance doesn’t matter for pve

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60%/40% yes.

Of note, the largest PVP server in the game is Firemaw, which is 55% Alliance, followed by Benediction which is 100% Alliance, with Faerlina coming in 3rd with 100% Horde.

The narrative is broken.

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Not all PvPers queue for battlegrounds

I just wanted to say, I play on Westfall and this is definitely not the case. Horde is extremely under represented where I play.

You do know theres sites you can reference for population right?

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While it is player’s fault for ruining Classic, it is also on Blizzard too, a 50/50. When it comes to the player base not knowing what they want, such as LFD being complained about since it’s creation. Now LFD is praised as the greatest thing since sliced bread. The reason for this is the community of Classic is already dead, however it died from both Blizzard and the player base.

A lot of the classic playerbase quit the moment Blizzard announced the TBC package in Classic. It reminded a lot of the Classic player base repeated mistakes Blizzard did with Retail. Seems history is indeed repeating itself.

If that wasn’t enough, the Allegations of the horrible things Blizzard did that was proven true made I would say made about 50% or so of the player base quit Classic. I was on Deviate Delight, and after those allegations came out, about 60% of the Horde side quit, and about 40% from the Alliance, or more for both sides. Deviate Delight was very progressive server so something like this being proven was an insult to the majority of the community.

Blizzard didn’t remove layers from the large servers so that they could get a quick buck. The downside of large servers was supposed to be que times, and not having that close tight knit community. Large servers = retail, small servers = classic. The players unfortunately promoted this by paying for transfers. Giving Blizzard the okay sign to do this, and so this lead to mega servers that have no que time and no game technical downsides. Well other than layers being a pain to juggle with. This killed off all medium servers and low populated servers. Medium and low populated servers was where the heart of the Classic Comminity was at. Again Deviate Delight was one of them. Now there are just mega servers and dead servers.

So Classic is just a reskinned retail that is more fun and 15 years old. Even more so Shadowlands is a complete garbage of a failure, so Retail players are instead moving to the Mega Servers in classic, increasing the population in those servers.

Another thing I’ve noticed is Blizzard doesn’t seem to be upholding their rules to breaking of ToS. I’ve seen some players that should get a week or two suspension, while others getting it for little to no reason. A player wants to defend a node in AV since delaying a node being capped is important, gets suspended. While other players actually breaking ToS have a 50-50 shot of suspension.

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You know just because someone rolls on a pvp server doesn’t mean they pvp right?

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Yup. Nearly every major criticism of Classic boils down to a player behavior issue. While it’s easy to say Blizzard should just control their players better, that philosophy is also what led us down the path of a rails-on MMORPG experience, better known as retail.

It’s the players. It’s always been the players.

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