Players in Arena maps do not show up in /who

I’ve reported this bug in-game every week for nearly the last two full months, and since it’s not fixed I figured I’d post here…

Whenever I do a /who of either an entire Arena map (Nagrand Arena, Blades Edge Arena, Ruins of Lordaeron, etc.), or /who a player I know is currently on that map via my friends list, the search result is always “0 players total.”

I have friends doing arena matches right now, and yet when I /who their name it says “0 players total.”

It seems like there is a bug where players on Arena map servers aren’t linked properly to the regular servers, making /who’s come up empty.

Is this… Intentional? As a player on a PvE server, I would really like to be able to see who is active in arenas so I can network and potentially find new arena partners.

This is intentional to prevent sniping / dodging of specific teams.

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This… Does ring a faint bell, and would certainly explain it!

It’s been 15 years but my memory of that period is not great.

Much appreciated!

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