Player proves you can determine your layer with /who (proof inside)

Yeah, idk if this layering thing works as OP suggested but when I do z-“Tanaris” 31-32 are around 25 ppl when i do just Tanaris 31-32 its maxed out at 50. It would explain why this zone is so dead when it should be crowded by this point.

Sure seems like you could exploit layering like this easily if you coordinate. Wouldn’t be surprised not first time Blizzard has lied.


Yeah, that’s quite the disappointment. I had some the best pvp memories in Tanaris back in the original Vanilla…with the most epic Horde vs Alliance battles… In Classic…it’s completely dead. I see horde here and there but nothing like what it was in the original. Doing a /who z-“tanaris” I only see 30 people. /sigh

I have some additional questions about this layering business, some of the examples that were posted indicate that zones are also still splitting players into separate layers even when there is a low overall total of players in the zone(less than 50 players?)

Did I do it wrong?

I agree but you do understand Blizzard does not care. Nothing will be done to punish those who used it.

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So I just tried it out, but it seems really inconclusive I am getting the same amount of people weather I use the z- or not, i tried to restrict the levels to get a smaller pool but still the same.

doesnt work

Trying that was pretty convincing. On Grobbulus, doing this with Teldrassil 1-4 showed 7 people with the ‘z’, 38 people without. Neither is at the maximum (50). This also shows that Grobbulus has about 5 layers, which is consistent with single digit for all and low single digit for most servers, since Grobbulus is on the full side but not the biggest server around.

Not the first time Blizzard didn’t know how their application worked.

No, it doesn’t. Just because Blizzard has no clue what’s going on doesn’t mean that people are abusing it.

Layer hopping is clearly allowed by the rules of the game, since if it weren’t, Blizzard could easily have isolated layers entirely until they were merged. I think it’s really hard to determine what constitutes exploiting here. Personally I think the best solution is to just allow it and wait for the layers to go away, which sounds like it shouldn’t be long on most servers.

Each layer extends across all of Azeroth. For example, Grobbulus Teldrassil only shows a few players in each layer because most have moved on to higher level zones, and relatively few people are creating new characters on the server.

Tested it myself just as neutral party in this. Time is under the map to confirm the pictures were taken moments apart. Make of it what you wil…

Your search is incorrect. “z redridge” filtered the search to people with “z” in their name/guild. It’s supposed to be z-“redridge”


There were still > 50 in that zone layer overall. The queries were restricted by arbitrary level range to bring the numbers down enough to be able to tell a difference, while still making it obvious that one was a clear subset of the other.

It won’t be the full pop of the layer because you filtered it to just the 1-4 range.

I posted two screenshots literally five posts above you that were taken within seconds of each other from the exact same location. I’m not certain why OP did it from two different places, but the evidence is mounting that he was right anyway.

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Just tested OP’s thing myself and it totally works.


Did z-“Tirisfal Glades” 5 and got 7 people. Then “Tirisfal Glades” 5 and got 18. Switching back and forth between the 2 search terms gives the same results. All the people in my results are in the zone – it’s not additional people in a guild called “Tirisfal Glades Rulez” or whatever.

Edit: Guess it helps if I put the right URL there…

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They changed their minds and stated that layering would happen in all zones but have promised that it would end before phase 2. If they go back on that word people would flip so it seems highly probable that they would actually keep their promise about stoping layering before phase 2.

Heck, if they were to keep phasing until after phase 2, I will think people might even consider going to pservers again. But I think it’s a virtual certainty that they will turn off layering before phase 2.

https:// imgur . com/a/XeClNSP

Doing “orgrimmar” without the “z-” term does search elements other than zone. Here’s two examples of the “Orgrimmar” search returning players that are NOT in Orgrimmar. I searched up one of the players in hillsbrad; The search returned him because his guild name, “Warlords of Orgrimmar”, contained the search term.

This is how it’s always worked. Don’t know why people think otherwise.

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Everyone knows that’s how it works, but there are plenty of screenshots here showing different lists with and without “z-” with all players in the zone.

It’s really easy to duplicate if you narrow your search enough to not get >50 players, and chose a zone that isn’t going to be in anyone’s name or guild. Like “level 15 in Tirisfal Glades.”

Here I am in front of 2 AFK lvl 38’s in Tirisfal. When I do z-“Tirisfal Glades” 38 these two are the only people returned:


Then I remove the “z-” and do the same search. Now there’s 4 level 38’s.


Now if I add the “z-” back I only see the 2 again. Remove it, I get the 4. Add it again, back to 2. It’s 100% consistent and reproducible, and clearly not because the people showing up when I omit “z-” have “Tirisfal Glades” in their guild name, or because they’re hopping in and out of the zone every 10 seconds.


Ban me Blizzard, I have made a lot of gold from mining using your layering system that you implemented into your game. Ban me for using the tools you provided me. Thanks!!

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They should simply remove or fix it. Leave all players alone, it’s blizz fault for being stupid.

Did I just read a flat earth theory explanation? Cuz that’s what it feels like.

So what have I done wrong in this?