Player Housing possible Leak, "Dragonflight." Let's talk

If they bring in player housing i prob wouldnt bother touching it. If i wanted housing i would play the sims or minecraft. The only good thing about player housing would be for RPers or if they implemented in game board games etc. If they brought in poker or something into wow for houses i would be happy.

I would rather have better classes, more fun abilities and better pve/pvp content over the time it takes to develop housing. Any day of the week.

For the basic skeleton, sure. But if it’s to be as customizable as other games, storing all the object coordinates would be a drastic increase in database load over the handful of options from the garrison. That said, if it’s not stuffed with quests/professions junk/invasions/etc… there should be less cpu overhead, so it could balance out.

Eh? They make new furniture for set dressing either way. As it is, they have enough assets in the game already to make more furniture than most games.

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I’d rather they just do nothing instead of player housing.

As long as they don’t scrap it after one patch.
All they need to do is continue to iterate on it in the long term as they do with pet battles and mission tables.

Dev time and budget constraints will have its ups and downs, but if they stop developing for it then it will die.

That’s incredibly subjective. Let me rephrase your argument, if I may:

If mission tables aren’t a selling point for the game, why should they continue to make it?

See where I’m getting at? You can argue how a mission table or any other passive progression system takes away from active game development for active content.

And yet, it stays. Because it’s nice to pull out your phone and get a handful of anima while you’re at work or something. It’s not bad for the game. And neither is player housing.


Well said, I will never understand the nay sayers, their only argument is that it will take away from dev time. I think my question would be, what have the devs done in the past 2 expansions that was worth the dev time? Not many players like the systems, or the lore, or the balance of pvp/m+. Only thing Blizzard gets right is raiding. So, Will player housing really take away from the Dev time? Or will it actually make it so they have to cancel that, “dragon power system,” they would have come out with, and the game becomes that much better.

While it just might do all those things if the guild is already a friendly and supportive one, there’s just one problem with that; guilds are actually a socialist construct that depends on the Guild Master being a caring and fair individual. Unfortunately, the GM’s word is law, and history has shown that individuals can seldom be trusted to not become dictatorial.

A guild hall would be, by its nature, under the GM’s complete control, and possibly the few officers they would permit access. I want my player house to reflect MY creative goals…so put simply, I personally can’t endorse the idea unless we get both.

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Don’t blame me, I’m just the messenger.

My reasons for playing (or not playing) are not relevant. I’m just warning the playerbase, not that they should need it at this point.

Palia posted a few screenshots of their closed alpha results showing off what their players had created. Each home was dramatically different because each was designed by a different person. Personal creative designs are so much more satisfying, which is a large reason garrisons didn’t work for me.

At this point, I think WoW is one of the only MMOS out there that doesn’t have player housing. And it isn’t like their other filler content has been well received for the past two expansions.

I’m neutral on player housing. The entry level in other games seems really high. I’m not a gold monger, so my engagement with such a thing will depend on how much I have to spend.

But if it’s relatively easy to engage with and with tons of customization options, I can see myself spending hours playing around with it.

If they do player housing do you think they will steal ideas from FF 14 such as the neighborhoods? What if they make it so it’s limited and not everyone can have a house? That would certainly cause some drama…

Make like the FFXIV ward system. Allow like 50 houses per layer. With WoW though could probably do 75. Would also be cool to see the MoP Farm make a comeback. Keep it in Pandaria but just update some rewards and add just some more updates over time. Allow us to plant plants from any place we have visited. Allow guild houses also which every member get their own room in the house like in FFXIV.

Neighborhoods would be great but they cannot do the full FF14 system. The fact that they still haven’t added more wards other than adding the new housing district (which currently accepts primarily Free Companies) is disgusting. When you get a house, you can get pretty creative. But getting one is the worst gaming experience I’ve ever had.

If Blizzard does housing better, they will completely win me back.

How are you on the community council when you can not even understand simple things? Comparing player housing to garrisons or the farm when they are not even the same thing.

Housing you just go to build your own place, have a little garden, able to choose wall design and able to place EVERY single piece of furniture and nick nack where you want it. Or you can create jump puzzles or game rooms. The possibilities are endless.

The garrisons are pre planned with limited choices. The farm has no more uses anymore unless you are farming pandaria crops.


Please, no. There are so many better housing systems to take inspiration from than FFXIV! I love that game, but its housing system is crap…

It has the right bones.

The structure around it is what drags it down. The issues with availability are painful, but as for the actual system once you’ve secured a house? Pretty solid.

Not really. The “bones” of the FFXIV housing system are literally why it has so many problems. The neighborhoods force extremely low item placement limits and restrict how you can customize it (placement tools are high limited, too). The way they designed the server infrastructure for housing inherently limits the supply. Their core motivation in housing is to make it a “bragging rights” system, thus the prohibitive entry cost of many, many millions of gil. All of those things are the “bones” of the system and are why it fails.

Let’s pretend for a moment that availability is unlimited.

The actual system itself? Fantastic.

Again, access to that system is trash, but the system is great in isolation. Much like most of WoW’s systems, actually, now that I mention it…

But it’s not, because the neighborhood system forces limitations on the number of items you can place and how you can customize their placement. There’s no free placement on an XYZ axis. Items are only placeable outside or only inside. Many are only able to be placed on top of surfaces (“tabletop” items). Because houses aren’t instanced from each other, the game has to carefully control how much you can place, where, and how. You just don’t have the creative freedom in FFXIV as you have in other housing systems.

So the idea of Neighborhoods and zoned housing is unlikely with already having lag issues on servers adding hundreds of new zones wouldn’t help things…so well go with instanced housing and if they do that theres 2 ways:

  1. For freeform Open instanced housing see EQ2. They have TONS of housing and inside your house you can literally place anything anywhere and do anything, its 100% freeform.

  2. for easier implementation, go with SWTOR. Using the Hook system allows the devs to more easily make sure there are not as many bugs or problems with the system but still gives quite a bit of control to the players.

If they do neighborhoods. Do LOTRO - Instanced neighborhoods with a hook system in the houses/yards