Player Housing MEGATHREAD

Could you link that interview? Because when Hazel asked him about it, the engine was never mentioned.

Player housing? Hah, good luck with that.

Dear WoW community, I’m here to break some hard truths to you all. Player housing will never be a thing in World of Warcraft because, let’s be honest, who wants to spend their hard-earned gold on a virtual home when they can’t even afford one in real life? Plus, let’s not forget the fact that all of you would probably just clutter it with useless junk and turn it into a hoarder’s paradise. Trust me, the developers are doing you all a favor by not adding this pointless feature. Let’s just stick to raiding and PvPing, shall we

“I already own my own house, sitting on a half an acre of land. Might as well get one in game too.”


“Go ahead, judge me by a silly posting quirk. You do you.”

I wouldnt put it past Blizzard to turn it into a questing hub and make it garrison 2.0.

Given the tapestry of bull you painted just a post or two back thats almost amusing.

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Oh lookie here. The one comment I knew would be flagged got flagged by the community.

They just grabbed a handful of that bait with no thought.

I don’t expect it soon or ever, but you never know. Plenty of people said Classic would never be a thing. That source code was missing. Look at what happened there. I don’t rule anything out these days.


I’d rather they not.

I feel that pretty much no matter what they did or tried, the player housing crowd would never be happy or content.

I also doubt there are enough people that want it that it would be worthwhile from a ROI standpoint from Blizzard’s end.

Plus, the world is already/feels empty enough at times as is without people being squirreled away in their garrison player house.

We have so many tier sets, mounts, pets, toys, trophies, achievement points… but no use for them.

With a housing system, those rewards would finally have a place and not be wasted. But it could also breath some fresh air into professions. Its so hard to make gold with crafting unless you have the brand new pattern for raiding needs.

We could design chairs, tables, fences, flower bushes, statues, trophy rooms, stables…

WOD was a start, but it was too limited and today it has no usage anymore. These days, everyone just sits at the main capital, there is no incentive to go out in the world, like there would be if housing existed.

It would make people motivated to gather things for their home, the world would finally have people in it again.


They tried it
That garrison crap that made all the cities ghost towns.

We dont need to split the community up even more.
Go play a game that has them or go sit in your garrison and stare at the walls because it is the same thing.

What makes you think that? Player housing is popular in MMOs that have it and WoW players have been asking for housing since the beta. I’m curious why you think it won’t be popular. Do you think WoW players specifically play WoW because there isn’t player housing here? Just curious.



you can use those tier sets as your transmog or mix and match them with other pieces. Everyone is capable of seeing it without having to “leave the world” and enter an instanced environment where they see them sitting on armor stands (which people can effectively do be seeing how that tier set would look on their character.

Same thing with mounts, can use ~whatever one you want ~wherever you want to use it and everyone can see it.

Same thing for toys

Achievements and achievement points are just there to show off how much of the game you have completed. Some of which grant you titles, mounts, transmog gear, toys etc…

True, but they would 100% attach certain things to certain types of content and then people would feel "FORCED" to go and do it, and then complain how they weren’t “lucky” like other people. Or have them be a rare drop from this or that or cost lots of gold or some sort of special resource you accrue over time. Would also likely have some sort of gold sink tied in and then people would complain about that as well. You also would likely not be able to just build everything all at once day one. There would be some form of time gating so that you wouldn’t just blow through it in a week or two and then be ~done with it

So, people would go out in the world to gather things for a place they would then sit in, secluded… :thinking: sounds kind of like what garrisons were

Would create a potential clash of “function>form” in the open world akin to what has gone on with LFR. If I am a max level character, and the most effective spot or spots to gather x,y, z material(s) for my house happens to be in a busy questing area or overlap, guess all the people trying to level are just sort of SoL. This would mess with spawn rates, create logjams, etc… because my house> other people leveling right?

I’d be more for Guild Keeps than Player Housing. All houses would offer is a place to store extra stuff, like a mini bank, hold questionable rp sessions, and a place to log out and get rested xp. Guild Keeps could bring people together, have an activity board, and other socially interactive things. In all my time playing FFXIV, I’ve never bought a personal house. But, I visit the FC estate frequently. And, that’s coming from a roleplayer!

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Thank you. You are 100% correct.

I played FF14 specifically to see what all the player housing hub bub was about. It was incredibly dumb.

It would be a crime for Blizz to divert resource away from playable content to something that’s a glorified sims addon just to satisfy the few RP diehards.

If you want player housing that bad go play a game that has it.

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Garrisons were a gimmick not player housing. They weren’t designed to be player housing, they were designed as an expansion feature and even then done wrong. Lol

Using garrisons as an example for player housing being bad is ridiculous.

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Thank you.

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Yay the thread was restored!


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