Played some Assass/Disc 2's NO corruption

So Q’d up in 2’s with a random Disc with no corruptiond and me running 1 Minflay rank 2 i got from heroic Nzoth.

We went from around 1700-1790 running into others who look like they run minimal corruption only dropping 1 game.

Then it happened.

We hit a wall of Innef stacking Hpals and Gush stacked DH’s.

The first game against this comp we had the DH down to around 50% just CCing thr pally for a good 10+ seconds. After that we barely got either of em below 80% hp. Thr pally was in aura mastery like 60% of the time it felt like and he didnt even need to pop BOP or Bubble. I used everything i had on him, even fully kidney no DR yeilded me maybe 20% of his hp… felt like we were playing against immortals.

I even stopped attacking to type “I CANT ACTUALLY DO ANY DMG” lol to which my healer lold at then died.

We ended up tankijg down to 1750 facing 3 similar corrupted to the teeth comps. My warlock is 2100 with haste corruptions.

Wish i had of farmed more corruption on my rogue a while back. Cant seem to crack 1800 atm on this guy

TL;DR - Dear Diary

Oh this is an assassination rogue player. No sympathy at all. Easily the Melee version of destro lock currently. Class needs to be pruned heavily.

Kidney needs to be 5 seconds on 30 second CD.

Subterfuge needs to be removed or reworked (e.g. you can cast one stealth ability rather than the 3 seconds you get to cast as many as you want)

Poisoned knife removed or reworked into what deadly throw was in TBC.

Crippling doesn’t need to be 60% slow, like wtf seriously? Did they do this because they thought it’d be hard for rogue to maintain crippling… just lmao…

Remove internal bleeding talent.

Recuperate should be returned so rogue has to choose between heal/dmg

Shadowstep for sub only. Hook thing for outlaw. Assass with nothing because that should be assassinations weakness.

Combo points should be target based, redirect should be returned.

Really seems like over the years, the only things rogue ever lost was the stuff that made the class require actual skill. Current rogue id argue is almost a completely different class than what it was in previous expansions with how much hand holding it has.

Seeing how it has survived nerf bats for some long and dominated PVP/ M+ heavily (and is looking to continue that trend in Shadowlands) leads me to believe that a lead developer or someone with significant power at Blizzard mains this class and makes it their goal to ensure this class is always S tier


Just line the gushing wounds and ineffable truths fourhead

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This is a buff.


why? because 99% of the gushing woundiators kidney into their original kidney DR?

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Yes. BfA assas rogues tend to dr kidney a lot as soon as it’s off kidney. Played some games tonight and I had a couple rogues dr or triple dr kidney

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Idk man I wouldn’t post up I’m 400 games deep to 1500 in 2s as an assas rogue

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corruptions ain’t shxt bro just play the game!

its actually crazy how much disc/assa benefits from corruption. after the corruption purge the comp will be far worse since youll actually be able to kill disc again with no more 60% vers and rogues wont be able to 25k dps by just auto attacking

hooray no more playing conflict major and 55% vers and losing half my hp in a kidney because the rogue got a gush proc

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Well 360 games. But 1790 high.

Having bugger all corruption sucks.

Ppl saying “corruption doesnt mean anything when you play disc/assass” need to play in traffic.

i mean to be fair, rogue/healer was still an extremely broken 2s comp without corrupts.

No class is gonna do well in in like 1800+ rating 2s matches with 0 corrupts.


Thank god a logical thinker. Pls dont leave me

such a defeatist attitude

Trust me I’ve been trying on my 460 destro lock that has 2 corrupts and level 5 cloak. Playing with good hpriest friend at 2k mmr winning games but queuing into any geared melees are this rating esp if they’re rogue is a GG situation

Only getting carried by how dumb destro hpriest is and how 2s rating is super inflated


Imagine thinking rogue/disc will be bad when corruption is nerfed from everybody.


Looking forwards to what you all think of sub rogues if they don’t get tuned down by half a mile

imagine not being able to utilize elementary reading comprehension skills i never said it would be bad i said it would be much worse

obviously everyone is losing corruption but disc benefits from vers amps (especially in 2s) more than most specs. did you forget how bad disc was before corruptions? they are still made of paper, they just had 45% extra vers to mask that weakness

nope lmao

yes they will

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Uhhh pretty good in 2s when paired with a rogue? Yeah I remember.


Yeah, you’d be better off not pvping on anything not geared and corruption stacked at this point… it’ll just make you angry.