I’d be okay with this but only if all their chat channels are translated into gibberish.
And quest log
I support this and think it is the best option as the new allied race.
Mrgrl mrgrlgrlgmr rrgrglrlgmr mrrgrlgrgmr!
Translation: I 100% support this amazing idea!
Real talk:
They make more sense than Vulpera.
As do centaurs and ogres.
The only murlocs I want in this game are dead ones turned into tacos
yeah that would be awesome. as a horde player i would like tuskarr but tuanka seem more likely but they look very similar to tauren so idk
note to self, when this dude says real talk he will make absolutely no sense
I’m sorry. Which part of my post confused you?
Murlocs, Centaurs, and Ogres have a long history and are deeply cemented in the lore. While Vulpera are nothing more than a cheap knock off of Delphox (a pokemon) who add nothing to the game but a cute portrait.
There’s nothing wrong with doing your own thing. But when you inherit a world that’s loved by many, whether it be Star Wars, Justice League, Batman or whatever. You have a responsibility to honor the lore you’ve been given.
There’s nothing wrong with having a world consisting of cute animal people, but that sort of thing should be reserved for a brand new world.
Hope that clarifies things for you!
Flm’mmur hrlmrglur ng gluaurgs ngll glgk mrnngll Blrrgrk blmrgmrgl rgl mmrl hurggffflmugllr rlm mmmurlok mmmrmrgkn ffflmmrgl. Bmm mrmrfr ffrf flglknask gknlmrgmrglufrgl au glmmrglmrgklgl fugmrrgm mrglrnag mmgr murlurgll mmmurlok aflurglkmrgl ngll aau amrlm flkurgl mmrgrlmr glgk frlglmm ffrf Mmmurlokmurg glmrmm nfffrglm. Amnaa ng mrrgll kmrglmrglmrfff mrgl mrrgshm-ng-mmmurlokhmugrglgmurlglk, mrgluag ffflmmrgl rmmr mmrl rff flm ng aaumu mmgr mmrgfmrrgshm mrglmrglmrgl huag mmmuf blmmmrlu.
Mmrlugl: mrfrgl mrmrkmmur glgk Mmmurlokmurg Flurlmrkmm frgllgrgrgsh n fufmmugllk ng mmr rgsh nglg mrgl nglurl bburglmr nglurgsu!
Mrglm Mrm Mrglrmnlu
- Hrglmmr 1—ngrgfr n gkmn glgk skmmmrgkmmrg urlg klrlm agllk nglurl fluugl’hrmrgllglm mnaag
Hrglmmr 2—nlglkm Frrgmrgrnglmr :
- Frgsuu glgk skmmmrgkmmrg urlg’hr mrgmrk ng nglurl mrgrmrmrglm
- Mmrg nglurl fluugl’hr rkmuglu mrgshuuff
- Mrglmm fr glmrg rkmuglu n mmmmmmr glgk urlg’hr mrgmrk mugshr glgkrkmuglu’hr Rk frmmmm
Fff’hr bu! Mrlu flku mrgrg fffrg mrrgll frgllgrgrgsh ng mmmurglurk mng Blrrgrk ammmugshr Mmmurlokmurg. Glg glgk mmrlmmr n frgluglglu mrkmrg ffrf.
For the Murloc! Next expansion they must be a playable race.
I admit I didn’t know all that regarding murlocs (OP).
Something seems fishy here.
Love this thread
Quite possibly the most eloquently written post in forum history. i support it all!
I love all of this.
adds +1
Mrrgrlrr grrlrgrgr gr! Lrougrlrgrgr