Play with More Friends with Cross-Faction Guilds

Don’t understand how this isn’t an option.


Funny how back during the original Wrath launch event the faction lines ceased to exist when you were a zombie. You could talk cross-faction, friendly to one another, and could even take faction portals of the other side.

So yes, you are wrong. Other things that were supposedly impossible to do included transmog, increasing backpack slots, and even faction transfers.

Blizzard still wants to hold onto the factional conflict, but they’re not able to ignore diminishing players and factional imbalances making them lose more. They just don’t want to throw the reins off yet so they’re putting dumb restrictions on it, pretending the factional conflict is something people actually care about anymore.

Just like the asinine mog restrictions, it’s an intentional decision, not a technical limitation.


That’s because you were in the same faction, since your faction was changed to “zombie” at the time.

Except that’s exactly what I said, that you’d have to re-flag people:

WTH is the point then? Way to cuck us all…

The 50 Alliance players on my server will be able to join a Horde guild.

Big Mood. Like… the biggest, actually.

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Did you miss how cross-faction guild invites actually were possible for a short time before any of this were announced and when people stumbled across it and word got out, they disabled it until now? It’s ALL intentional decisions, not technical limitations. Again, there’s been a dozen different things we were told was “hardcoded and impossible” that… weren’t. And you enjoy them every day.


you can already work order cross faction, ive done it multiple times already

Depends, are they friends with one of the Horde guild leaders? if not, nope.

They’ll probably be able to join via the guild finder.

Please tell me why we can’t play together like same faction guildies? This has been a big strain in our guild since several people jumped factions in excitement, only to realize we can’t do quests or queue together.


Only inside instances. Instances are bubble-universes.

Nope. or go home, according to article.

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Please open up queued content as well so we can queue up for things with our new cross faction guild members.


I am the guild “master” (Dragon Empress) of two guilds with the same name on a connected realm. One is horde and one is alliance. I was hoping to join the two guilds together come May 2nd and open the enrollment to both alliance and horde characters. Now I’m learning that this will not happen unless they belong to the same community or a friend of mine!!! We will not be able to join forces to level together! There needs to be improvement. I have guild members preparing for this change and this is a big let down. This is not good enough. We want to play what we want to play and play together. Please lift the restrictions and allow us to be a true guild together.

As far as the achievements, those make sense… but you could have just included both with shared points. Example have both “Alliance Slayer” and “Horde Slayer”. Once one is achieved the other doesn’t provide points.


I agree, but they won’t do this until the game is on its last legs. They’ll #/* everything to death.

This isn’t really cross faction guilds at all. It’s more “Cross faction friends lists”. Why would a guild member be hostile to you out in the world? It’s just half assed appeasement. Just do away with the factions for players. Leave it for NPC’s and story wise, but allow people to be whatever faction (or no faction at all!) they want to be.


Not everyone is excited about these changes… I don’t want Horde in my raiding.

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I agree with this 100%… merge my servers. I’m not paying over $1,000 to move guilds and characters.

I agree. I am HOPING that is what it means but after this entire “reveal” of information I am feeling a little defeated about it. LOL

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