Place your bets here folks, what is the forum's "thing" for next week

Ooh, interesting.

Hopefully we’re over the “depression olympics” of who is more depressed than the other person.

I’m gonna put down a bet of antifa trying to destroy July 4th celebrations.

Oh I guess I’m wrong too it’s the 8th, so on Wednesday.

Crying about “mob mentality automatic false silences” seems to be gaining a bit of steam on the forums recently, could be the next “Blizzard perpetuated outrage”, maybe.

That is unless Blizzard makes more examples like this thread: You can get silenced for anything now! - #227 by Vrakthris

Well the shadowlands dev update is coming up so probably something to do with that.

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I suppose that makes the most sense because wednesday is new build day.

Just say sh*tshow to be always correct.

But most likely someone being buttmad about something that was revealed on thejuly 9th interview xD

I’m desperately hoping it’s just a solid week of demanding that the Legion timewalking vendor sells the Elementium Squirrel Bomb trinket from Violet Hold.

Logic, logic!


Reckful is just sad, forums are only annoying when the “hot-topic” doesn’t even need to be discussed here or is purely a matter of opinion.

No it ain’t

go check my posts

Necromancer reveal you say? :clown_face:

There aren’t any ducks in WoW :frowning:

probably high elfs again, the thing shows up more than herpes

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Well, Shadowlands does have Choofa, the ghost squirrel. You can even ask him to ride around on your head (like Pepe).


Prob the same as this week. Something about the dead he she

My Mag’har Orc is very black and has red hair. I love it. She looks awesome.

And I’m going to do the same with a Blood Elf.

As for next week, whatever the stream reveals has my bet.

Shadowpriest grape form, as it wont be addressed on Wednesday.

so many cool stories here

disguised as complaning about other people having the same horse to hit.