Pizza can't have pineapple on it!

umm What? thats actually gross lol

Apple sauce on the other hand with a nice over easy egg now you’re talking :ok_hand: :ok_hand:

Fruit salad pizza is the best.

and you now what?
BBQ sauce doesn’t taste good on a hamburger!
BBQ sauce is a lie!

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ghost peppers (bhut jolokia) are EVEN BETTER. but im with ya as well.

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Is this a thing? I feel I’d be so confused of what I was eating

l like pickle slices on my pizza.

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Anything goes on pizza. Let people eat what they want.

Unless it’s babies or something.

NO captain America, in matters of flavors there’s no such a thing as democracy!

If there is ham on it, yes there can be.

I love Pizza with pineapple; add jalapenos, black olives and onions. It’s literally the best pizza there is. :smiley:

Dude, just don’t eat it.

Other people are allowed to enjoy foods you wouldn’t eat.

Haters will always hate

Peanut Butter, Jalapenos, and tomatoes is also a good pizza

It’s awesome. By itself or with chocolate chip pancakes. :smiley:

if you don’t stop something dangerous…
it will spread across the orb!
Don’t be naive…

Is this guy really trying to gatekeep pizza? Nobody show the OP 1987 Ninja Turtles,he’d have a heart attack. :stuck_out_tongue: What kinda sad life does one have to lead to gatekeep food? o.O

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He’s a robognome robots dont have taste

The existence of flavors you don’t enjoy is not something dangerous.

Figs on pizza? I’ve never heard of that. I do love figs though :thinking:

A pizza can have a turd on it if the person wants

Judging by his nipples, the jailer was a pepperoni only guy and look how he turned out
