<Pixel Nerds> AOTC/M+ Guild|LGBTQIA+ Safe Space|+More!| 8/8 H

Pixel Nerds is recruiting for 11.0. and 11.1!

Pixel Nerds is looking for more friends to include in daily activities such as M+, Tmog runs, Alt raids, and whatever else you can think of! We pride ourselves on full inclusion and acceptance! We love making new friends and helping others out whenever we can!
We are an AOTC guild, who focuses on AOTC, Keystone Master, and Glory Raid Achievements! We have all of the guild mounts unlocked, and are currently working our way backwards through the Glory Raid Achievements!

Heroic Progression is COMPLETE with AOTC, but we are still looking to keep raiding! We’re in need of tanks, 1-2 healers with at least one of those being able to also dps!

We are also looking for more for our Alt/Member runs on Thursdays (Though we have people who run normal raids all week on alts!) This team is looking for EVERYTHING!

Raid Days/Times:
9:00p-11:00p EST

The War Within Progression:

  • Nerub-ar Palace: 8/8 Normal
  • Nerub-ar Palace: 8/8 Heroic
  • Nerub-Ar Palace: 3/8 Mythic (Team up with Bad At Names)
  • Glory of the Nerub-ar Raider: Incomplete

Other Incomplete Glories

  • Vault of the Incarnates: 8/8 Heroic (Glory Not Complete)
  • Glory of the Sepulcher Raider
  • Glory of the Dominate Raider

If this sounds like something for you, or you and your friends/family, please feel free to “Apply” in game, or reach out to one of our Guild Leaders!

  • Kaerei-Bloodhoof - Guild Leader
  • Lamunio-Duskwood - Officer
  • Kurasa-Bloodhoof - Officer
  • Rendwee - Officer
  • Pattycakes-Bloodhoof - Raid Leader

However, invites to the guild are open to all! Most of our members can invite!

Also feel free to join the discord and chat with any of the Officers.
While the Discord also houses our entire gaming community, the officers listed above are clearly named for contact.

For anyone who is interested, we look forward to meeting you!

Bumping post for new recruits!

Bumping for TWW recruitment!

still looking for a raiding tank?

Unfortunately no. We now have four people wanting to tank. D:

Just haven’t had a chance to update this!

Bumping for AOTC and Alt/Member raid updates! We are RECRUITING! <3