Pitbull4 names class colored and shortened

I’m trying to find a way to get my raid frames to display names as shortened and also class colored.

I found a way to shorten names with this code:
return string.sub(Name(unit), 1, 6)

But I don’t know how to class color it. The code for the default class colored names is
local r,g,b = ClassColor(unit)
return ‘|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r %s%s%s’,r,g,b,Name(unit),Angle(AFK(unit) or DND(unit))

Anyone have any idea how I can get the shortened names to show up as class colored?

I don’t know PitBull, maybe something like:

local _, classFilename = UnitClass(unit)
local color
if C_ClassColor then
	color = C_ClassColor.GetClassColor(classFilename)
	color = color:GenerateHexColor()
	color = select(4, GetClassColor(classFilename))
local name = string.sub(Name(unit), 1, 6)
name = "|c"..color..name.."|r"
return "%s %s", name, Angle(AFK(unit) or DND(unit))

But given PB seems to have helper functions like Name() build in, it might have a class colour function as well.

Edited for Classic support.


Thanks for trying! Unfortunately everyone’s name is just “error” when using your code :frowning:

Left off the quotes around the |r

Edited the code with fix.

It worked! Thank you so much!

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