Pistols and 1h crossbows

Blizzard doesn’t want to make Tinkers, which could be a blend of Wildstar’s Spellslinger and Engineer. No fun allowed around here.

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Blame the Gnomes and Goblins. It’s all their fault, they keep inventings things that are not fantasy approved.

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Call me crazy (I love it) but I think it would be fun to have a ranged demonic magics mixed with dual wield pistols / 1h crossbow spec for Demon Hunter. Basically a lot like WildStar’s Spellslinger (RIP WildStar) but without heals. Maybe a mix of Spellslinger and Diablo Demon Hunter.

Look, I hear ya, but Illidan’s gone, and so is the Legion, the Illidari are gonna need to branch out and try new things, new races, a new spec, that sort of thing. They need to adapt to changing times or die out.

My rogue has a pistol but apparently only uses it for certain spells.
I’d LOVE to dual wield pistols as a hunter or rogue, for the aesthetic.

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