Picking Up Aggro From Other Players' Tagged Mobs Without Having Buffed/Healed/AoE'd

I don’t get how this thread doesn’t have more traction. This is truly game breaking. I have video clips (though I don’t have anything to use to edit them down in size) of this problem.

I was about 50 yards from another player. I pulled a mob from a camp. Other mobs did not pull. Few seconds later, another player, not near me, pulls a mob from the camp. I kill my mob. I cannot eat and am stuck in combat till the other mob dies, which is like 50 yards away. How does that make any sense?

STV, that captains quest where you have to go onto the 3 boats, GL doing that with anything less than a full group of 5 people. If you pull a mob down stairs, the entire boat will pull once you start fighting for unknown reasons.


Been seeing this bug as well. Blizz needs to fix this ASAP as it’s way too easy to grief/exploit other players.


just happend to me aswell on my warlock, i’m killing a mob, some guy is dying and runs past me with 3 other mobs, i do not agro or put threat on these mobs literally at all, 0 threat. No fel armour or anything so these mobs have 0 reason to target me instead of reseting when they try reset, nope.
they come running to me and tag team me with the mob i was already killing and i have to run back to my grave.
this has happend to me well over 10 times now since launch and i’m so f***in sick of it.


I’ve seen this bug happen many times. I think they still have residual evade code from retail or something. I know they’ve made changes over the years to prevent exploiting in dungeons and such where they have one person act as the sacrificial lamb that rounds up a bunch of mobs, then runs with them, meanwhile, everyone else runs past them without getting into combat, the lamb dies away from the group, the healer resurrects them and they skip the trash.

My guess is that this kind of antiexploit code is somehow being applied in the open world. It seems like there’s some kind of proxy aggro happening where the mobs run past other ally mobs and it adds their threat to the other threat list. If they flee past too quickly, I think they miss the heartbeat update where it could be transferred and so it doesn’t happen.

It’s kind of hard to fully explain though because when it happens, you usually aren’t paying attention carefully and documenting exactly everything that’s happening.

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I’m not sure this is a bug, but how things used to work in vanilla. I do know that pulling extra mobs to do this to someone was a thing back in the day. I’m not sure if that was by dragging them into AOE or something.

I am seeming to remember it working this way. I’m actually more concerned about the polymorph bug. That’s actually a problem. I get why they don’t let you. But, more mages use it to save someone than grief them.

I can confirm that this has happened to me as well. I was grouped doing the Blackrock quests in Redridge killing elites at Stonewatch Keep. Stragglers from another, smaller group kept engaging us when the other group ran away and I could not cast Polymorph on the additions.

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Yes…this has happened to me several times.

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Happened to me as a warrior

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This is a vanilla mechanic. It’s called proximity aggro and it happens with specific mobs only - mostly humanoids.

OP was unable to train raptors onto a druid because raptors don’t prox aggro. All of his original examples are humanoids.

Here is a 2006 tank guide describing nearby mobs putting you on their threat table:

In combat proximity. Many mobs with secondary targeting or AOE abilities will add nearby players to their threat lists. For other mobs, as long as they are in combat you can stand on top of them and not get added to their threat list.

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This is a vanilla mechanic. It’s called proximity aggro and it happens with specific mobs only - mostly humanoids .

Interesting. So it’s possible to actually “train” other players by dumping unleashing social humanoid mobs within proximity aggro radius. I didn’t think training people was possible in this game, I’m getting PTSD flashbacks to EQ.

The times I’ve seen this happen, they haven’t been mobs with aoe or secondary targeting abilities though. I could be wrong. The last time I saw it was in the troll city place in the northwest part of STV.

I want to say it wasn’t possible during Vanilla. The only way to “train” mobs onto other players was to either run through them while the player was AoEing, or if the mobs had an AoE or second target ability that hit the other player putting them on the threat list.