Pick my dps

Fire mage for a caster.

storm strike build enhancement shaman for melee. The other build is a loooot of fun too, but it takes more practice imo.

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blood elf death knight.

I really like elemental, I leveled my shaman as enhancement this expansion, also a fun spec. This evoker has all the rep and things so I’m just going to stick with it. It’s a fun class.

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Feral druid.

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Is there a DPS class that you loathe healing, that always dies on you and you don’t really understand what you could have done to save them? That should be the class you learn. Because even if you don’t end up liking the class for DPS, it can help you be a better healer.

healer main here. i rarely not heal. i cant trust the other healers as i just return lol. im not a dps person at all tbh. the big heals i get to see feels good more than dps numbers lol anyways maybe aff lock?

Hunter. :bow_and_arrow:

I play mistweaver monk. The class that I seem to have to babysit the most are windwalker monks. Toilet paper armor and no hp pool

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Outlaw rogue if you like to have amazing and very simple aoe, good st, lots of utility, the ability to pick locks (and remind every group you see in TBC timewalking that you can open the door, do not jump down).

Fury warrior if you want a fast paced gcd capped, five target aoe monster with great sustain and the ability to leap around (i often use my warrior ro play mountain goat simulator in areas you can leap to that you normally wouldnt be possible to go). You could also play arms for that feeling of being carried by everyone else until you hit the magic number of 35% mob hp and then you get to play the most fun class in the entire game.

Ret pally with recent changes feels quite amazing.

Hunter to swap between bm and mm - bm feels almost like a ranged fury warrior and in 10.2 they get an actual dps cooldown to press.

The other option is augvoker, its like a breath of fresh air - lots of utility, focus more on buffing others, when to buff, how to extend buffs, when to hold extensions - its not about seeing big numbers on screen or looking at meters - its legit having that happy feeling of seeing +1.5 sec or +7.5 sec on multiple toons on screen and knowing your biggest buff to that player is going to have almost 100% uptime before the next em cycle. Its about seeing a healer casting something then realising they are standing in a frontal and being able to save them while not interupting their cast. Its about seeing how much mainstat you gave someone with your em - its great to see it with trinket buffs and knowing that 1500+ main stat must feel amazing for them seeing bigger numbers.

I’m tank main (prot pally) - but also have healers - I hardly ever DPS <.<

That said, I’ve recently have had fun with Ret Pally - and they offer a lot of utility to the group that can kind of act like a off-healer while going Zug Zug.

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