Phase 4 Surprise Release

I’m of the opinion that most of the SoD players are also Cata players. But not most of the Cata players are SoD players.

When you have a lopsided game like this you cater to the bigger base. That means your SoD is there for you to play on and progress in phase 3 but that’s it. Sorry!

the SoD launches were fine it was the dog… content that was put in that was the problem. PTR solves nothing other than letting everyone see the content before it releases and killing all hype for it.

Can you list 5 bugs that are currently in the gsme?

except for when I roll for bash cleave tempering and I get KICK VULNERABILITY 4 TIMES IN A ROW

You say this when they released Phase 3 with a one weeks notice. We could see a Phase 4 slideshow drop on YouTube this Friday for all we know, just like they did with Phase 3.

as i said “not perfect” yet :slight_smile:

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I don’t think this is the plan, otherwise I think Blizz would have announced that to help keep sub numbers and activity up. I think the devs have too much on their plate and SoD has been bumped down the list in priority. Things could change if the player base gets really anemic, but I wouldn’t plan on this.

Gotta keep that hamster wheel spinning

  1. When entering the vehicke quest in uldum u get disconnected this is at scotts camp.

  2. The npcs at schotts camp disappear when accepting crisis development. U have to fly to aq and back for the npcs to show back up

  3. The npcs disappear at sulahs camp see above what u have to do to fix it.

  4. Some of the cut scenes are bugged.

  5. Lots of quest bottle necks like testing the siege engines to get to twighlight highlands.

I might give it a shot when I bored of wow (era, sod, cata). But PoE is my go to ARPG and D4 has a long way to go before I give up on PoE.

Nah, SoD is closer to Classic+ then Retail. =)

SoD is Retail minus. Than*

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I’m like 72 on seasonal as a barb right now and it feels like the game is finally in the state it should have shipped in.

and it only took them a whole year and 4 seasons to fix it!

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Lol you own D4 and play SOD.

You are why modern games suck.


I should’ve done what a lot of people did and refunded my purchase. I bought the $100 edition and was so pissed off. My main issue is I love PoE. =)

go back to living the glory days in a 20 year old game and making montage videos of sweet auto attack procs, Uncle Rico. I bet you could’ve thrown that pig skin clean over a mountain back in the day too huh?

I can’t even read between the lines here… lol

Like 10% of me whats to try out war within. But then I notice the $40 price tag and I immediately get flash back to getting owned by D4. Who knows… maybe I’ll play it.

Of course you cant read between lines, you bought D4 and play SOD

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And yet… here you are posting on the SoD forums. /smh

Honestly, I would like to test P4 on a PTR realm for a few weeks so this delay doesn’t bother me…