Phase 4 Ranged Hunter Changes discussion

Heart of the lion being a baseline ability is great. - please fix the PTR bug w/ Heart of the Lion falling off
Buffing Chimera shot to 150% weapon damage (what it started SoD out as) would be appreciated.
TnT rune w/added AP scaling was a great change, wish it was baseline though.
Cobra strikes… is still in the game and I am quite confused as to why it is a thing. Not a single hunter has ever used this rune nor will we ever…
Killshot as a Leg rune… I am assuming you guys intended for this to be a MM hunter rune for PvP? Since standing still for 5 seconds in a PvP environment is very unlikely, I just think you could have added Killshot as a baseline ability that would increase the amount of buttons a MM hunter could press. Although the damage killshot does seems extremely lack luster (chimera hits for nearly triple the damage) - I would say it needs a buff/moved to a baseline ability. Especially since you’re forcing the Aimed shot playstyle with the tier set.
Speaking of Tier set - wtf is the 2 set bonus?? Generating 100% more threat after using Distracting shot?? WHO ASKED FOR THIS??? Why not give us 3% crit like most other tier sets have?!!
Trap launcher - Does it benefit from the extra 6 yards from the “Hawk Eye” talent in the MM tree? I feel as if it doesn’t reach as far as I can shoot which makes it difficult to stand max range and still hit my traps… maybe you could fix this so our traps reach our max range?
Arcane specialization… unless you plan on changing Arcane shot to more of a Cataclysm based Arcane shot (make it scale with AP?) this specialization for our ring is completely useless. Why not give us Fire specialization to give us increased trap damage? or Nature specialization to make our serpent sting / chimera shots hit harder?
Improved volley… feels extremely lack luster compared to other classes (IE. Shamans who get to spam chain lightning and get a 5 second snare from their back rune…?) Kind of seems like this rune should have either been a Book: baseline ability or just a flat out change to our volley ability…? I’m not exactly sure how Imp Volley will compare to a Shaman spamming chain lightning but I can guarantee I wont be spamming volley in World PvP like a shaman will be turbo-nuking everyone with back to back chain lightnings… Could’ve had a much better back rune than imp volley…

Useless runes:
Steady shot - absolutely horrible, why even have this version in the game??
Cobra strikes - not sure who put this in the game. please delete it
Serpent Spread - not useful whatsoever… why is this in the game.
Catlike Reflexes - you removed Kill command, either rework this rune or remove it and replace with something better…
Carve - you could make this rune 100x better and make it viable for a survival hunter to run this? Instead of them running Beastmastery, have them run Lone wolf and bring a 3% crit buff to a party if they are spec’d into Lightning Reflexes (deep survival so people can’t cheese this) - this will give incentive to bring a melee survival build hunter and not force Melee hunters to be TSA bots while their pets are doing much less dmg. Help melee out a bit.
Master marksman - Give this a buff so it is more competitive dmg wise vs Lone wolf, give us Marksman hunters a reason to use a pet!

Not being able to fully test out the ranged hunter on the PTR due to the Heart of the lion/ Stabled pet /Trap launcher bug has been extremely sad to see. I wanted to test out if Lone wolf would still be better to run over Master Marksman w/pet or vice versa.

Quality of Life improvements - Give us more stable pet slots. 3 is far too little, maybe increase it to 5? Maybe 6…
Give us the ability to call a certain pet from the stables. Having to port back to town to swap pets feels extremely bad and it doesn’t add anything to the game.
Maybe rework Rhok’delar to not require ammo? and make it a Legendary item?? Please blizz? <3
Also make the Rhok’delar quest chain more epic than it already was!!! I love doing the quest chain on each hunter I play, if nothing changes with the quest chain, I wont be upset, just disappointed!

Hoping that the known hunter bugs on the PTR are fixed soon so I can go in and test out everything without the annoying bugs.

HUNTERS ARE THE ONLY PURE DPS CLASS LEFT (every other class can DPS/Tank/Heal) Let us Green boys have some fun at the top of the meter for once!!

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I been on here for a week and have read every hunter post so far. I think this one is the best suggestion for how to fix Hunter:

Check it out and like/comment if you agree.

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