Phase 2 will never come

The title of this thread reminds of a kid in a car on a road trip. “Are we there yet?”

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Since when did one phase become “all of the content”? All i said is that they could never achieve what they said they were going to do which was release phase 2 once every single server was on a single layer. Do you not understand that some EU servers have over 80k active players and 10k+ queues every night?

Do you even realize that the honor system was in the game before Dire Maul and that they’ve already completely ruined a “Vanilla-like” experience for Classic by introducing them out of order?

Intent is everything. Ya post a “hot button” topic on a low post count avatar the intent is quite clear. Especially a topic that already has multiple threads on it.
So no. Not a hypocrite. Just calling it as I see it.

Well you know what to do. Why ya biting? Need attention?

Don’t make me pull this post over. I’ll do it. And shut up about your damned Happy Meal! You got your toy!

Clearly. I post on my max level character which i don’t endlessly troll on the forums with for attention so my post count is low.

But instead i get chewed out by a lawfully abiding low level alt of a retail player who’s so disinterested in the game they have to impersonate moderators and make sure the forums stay clean by contradicting themselves in every post.

But it’s not BiS…

They should simply move the non layered servers into p2, leave the layered ones in p1, and leave transfers open for the p1 servers.

There you go. Incentive and motivation for the megaservers to break up.

Of posting in one of the multiple “omg nothing to do release P2” threads you had to spam your own.

Edit: Extra points for the 5 year old whine we hear in yout post.

Right. #nochanges has been willfully violated a thousand different ways. We both know that and we’re still here.

I’m just saying that I’m pretty sure they’ll eventually reach phase 2 and if we’re really worried about how long it’ll take, we can always do something else while we wait.

Because my thread isn’t about Phase 1, it’s about Blizzards plan on releasing Phase 2.

Maybe if you read more than just the title you would have realized that. I guess baby is still hasn’t developed an attention span.

Every server is NOT on a single layer. There are still 7 layered servers.
Ergo: Phase 2 is ahead of schedule since DM has been released and it was supposed to be part of Phase 2. If you’re going to maintain that layering is the hold up, then anything you get outside of phase 1 is ahead of schedule. A little consistency in the argument, please.

You want a Vanilla-like experience and complain when you get it?

But you have queue times. And you’re complaining about it. Pick a side here. Either you want the full Vanilla experience, which includes queues and wait times, or you want the content.

Either way, this is CLASSIC WoW, not Vanilla. It aims to emulate the experience of Vanilla, not provide an exact replica. What’s next, are you going to complain because in original vanilla WoW you had a purple drop for you at 40 and since the same thing didn’t happen here it’s not “an authentic vanilla-like experience”?

If the game is ruined for you because DM came out before honor, I really feel bad for you. To be that affected by a game as to produce an emotional response from due to the order of content release.

Maybe go out, find a romantic partner and get yourself some hugs. It sounds like you need it.

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If I spent half the time Night Elves wanted me to listening to their drivel I wouldn’t be 60. What is it about the Night Elf race that makes them so whiny?

Someone give Sheewulf some reading glasses before they have an aneurysm.

Do tell. Do tell. What are you claiming I got wrong this time? I quoted you and responded. Yep. I need glasses.

“I’m glowsticks and I’m not a troll. You can trust me. I swear.”

Glowsticks: Trolls consistently.

Glasses indeed.

They also planned to release Dire Maul in phase two and we know how that turned out. The sky isn’t falling, OP.

But… but… but… It’s not AUTHENTIC! It’s not what Glowsticks wants!

MOOOOMMMMMMMMMM! Blizzard isn’t doing things MY way!

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this will look great tomorrow when you’re coherent