Petty Pet Peeves

I don’t like the popup content. I especially don’t like it in dungeons or raids I’ve been in before - I don’t need the narration!

  • mounted yak
  • sold grey stuff to open up 7 bag slots
  • loot corpse 18 seconds later
  • inventory full
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Stun. It used to be great for pinning down more mobile mages in PVP, now warriors, rogues, monks expecially have 100 speed boosts and gap closers.

Every body of water in draenor has an enemy in it that will daze you.

90% of enemies in draenor will daze you.

The abundance of Blood Elves on the Horde. The race itself is cool, but so are the other horde races? Y’all can’t play anything else? This is doubly annoying as an rp on rp servers.

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Those are SO ANNOYING.

I also hate the “You have a PvP talent” - I DON’T PvP NO I DON’T LEAVE ME ALONE

and all the notifications for Heart of Azeroth. I have so many alts that I’m not dropping what I’m doing to go get 3% stam, fam. Leave me alone I’ll do it when I do it.

The worst part is clicking them away and they pop back up like 2 minutes later like I’m some smooth brain that can’t remember anything. It’s literally blizzard’s way of telling us they think we’re stupid (not literally, jeez, but it feels that way).


How many teleport items am I going to have access to as a Paladin?

Here’s just what’s in my bags, excluding my main Hearthstone since that’s a toybox toy.

Reminds me - the bag/bank bug. The error you stated always happens when my slots are full. This bug has always been in the game, and it sucks.

The sigil of Lorderaon is a more iconic and visually distinct symbol for the Alliance then the generic lion we currently have.

Blizzard has been inconsistent in its application in WoW since it can be seen as the NPC symbol for Alliance friendly yet it is also seen on the Horde’s High Warlords Barricade to symbolize the Forsaken.

There is an argument to be made that both current factions have a claim to the symbol but for me personally it will always be indicative of the Alliance due to Warcraft II and III.

I am still salty to this day that they decided not to use this as the Alliance defacto symbol.

When people try to say what should be in the lore without even bothering to read quest text.

How about guilds being attached to the B-net communities system? So, everytime battle net goes offline, your guild text chat and roster also goes offline.

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I just pick whatever talent my mouse is over when I open the PvP talents! :laughing:


Every single Alliance player on Frostmourne.

You can only take so much t-bagging after being obliterated by a raid sized group on the daily.

I got the Bloodsail Admiral title on pirate’s day this year on my main. I took the time to fix my rep with Booty Bay the next day. Kind of forgot the other three goblin reps still hate the toon. Makes holiday candy bucket collecting more interesting I guess. Also learned not to take a flight path to goblin towns. LOL :laughing:

pvp talents are very corny

old school players who still don’t know how to min/max >natually< from playing the game post years. At some point, if you’ve been players over half-decade, players do have expectations beyond pressing 1-2 buttons and moving very little.

Why did they remove the Glyph UI? They could have kept it so I didn’t need to re-buy a minor glyph three times; once for each spec.

When I’m casting an aoe spell on a large group of small enemies but everytime it’s about to finish casting the small enemy dies everytime

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Players who don’t respect personal space. Example: You’re waiting for the pig in Freehold and someone stands right in your face ( Looking at you human male paladins )