Petless Unholy, How I'd do it

Speaking of CB.

There is an odd PvP modifiers going on with it. With the removal of Focused Chaos, it seems that they did not add crazy pvp modifiers to it as supposed.

Probably it is not needed? But who knows.

My NL Warlock loves summoning demons. She summons Tyrant and summon imps all in one go!

Ah my alts have a bit of catch up to get done.

I love unholy being a pet spec I just wish wound and pet damage were reduced and some of our damage is baked back into diseases. Also miss having multiple diseases.

Or just remove wounds altogether.

I just hate torghast… feels even worse now to the point I really dont want to do it. At all.

My only incentive to do it is for the legendary upgrade on my mage and the horse from achievement. That’s pretty much it.

Ive got really no incentive. I could make a huge post of the issues of this expansion. But upgrading legendaries kind of seems pointless since the legendary power doesnt increase with upgrades. So its just upping primary and secondary stats some.

iffff big if we did petless unholy it should be a talent to make raise dead be permanent and have the outher unholy talent focus on shadow damage but that wouldn’t be fun to me…

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Petless UnHoly Death Knight that focuses more on Plague damage vs pet damage would be a lot of fun. I love everything about Unholy, and I’m good at pet management, but if I’m being honest it’s a PITA and giving us the same options as Hunters and Warlocks have would be amazing… Just my two cents.

leave it to a dk to bring a thread back from the dead.


Raise dead is our specialty after all :wink:


Class fantasy is really different tho…

With hunters, BM and Marks both feel like a hunter

Frost and unholy feel like completly different classes compared to the old DK where regardless of your spec, you’d feel like a death knight.

I agree with OP I want to play a shadow/unholy knight without having to play as a necromancer. I genuinely dislike not seeing my screen because I have 4 horseman, an abomination 5-8 ghouls/skeletons etc…Also, BM and Demo are both ranged, they dont really care if they cant see their target, as a melee its a really big deal if I cant see the ground because of defile and tons of summons.

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I mean I can do either fantasy but I want the option for them.

The no undead unholy fantasy and then also the ALL the undead unholy fantasy.
should be options to build both ways in our tree.
Never did get around to posting the FULL ARMY ideas tho…

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Pet pimp spec is lame and I really wish they would load way, way, way more power onto the death knight rather than its bloody pets


Definitely need to put some of that power back into the dots at the very least. There was a time when Unholy focused on that, and the pet, while a DPS increase, was secondary to Scourge Strike and the aforementioned dots. I certainly wouldn’t mind returning to those days.

I went on my unholy and tried to spec into power from the DK and away from pets.

I was just gobsmacked at how poorly tuned some of the talents were and gave up on that pipe dream.

I’ve tried it every xpac since legion

They seem obsessed with making it a melee version of BM hunter, when what people actually want is a melee version of aff lock.

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Yeah I agree, both options should be supported, right now the petless talents are way way way undertuned. The Wounds need to be made like combo points and it would be nice to have some instant undead summoning like Exploding ghould, summons a ghoul that jumps unto a target and puts outbreaks in aoe… Could also have a Aoe Siphon that deals damage to targets that have your dots… I think the ESO Necromancer (especially the stamina version) has a lot of very interresting Spells that wow could take some inspiration from for a “melee/Petless” dk.

The idea of putting dots and using abilities that drain the dot times in order to do more damage is interesting too.

How about make it work first. This this is completely broken.

To be fair, elementalist/stormbringer enhancement feels really good to play. A good mix of elements, and really fun synergy within the trees. I can’t speak to ele or resto, though.