Pet Battle Question

Hi, I have a question about Pet Battles. I see people post to watch out for certain enemy abilities. How can I tell during a pet battle, which ability the enemy is going to use and how long the cooldown is? Thank you

People have addons that show them the enemies’ moves and their cooldowns. It shows up above your pet’s ability bar. The one I have that does it is Rematch, I think.

I have Rematch, but it doesnt show which abilities the pet uses on any given turn. Unless I dont have that part enabled.

Just pulled up my Twitch app and looked at the addons I have. It’s PetTracker that does it

Awesome. Thank you. Easy set up of the addon?

I think the only thing I did was toggle off Zone Tracker, since it junks up the map a bit. The check spot is going to be to the right of the rematch one

Yeah. I just disabled the zone tracker. Too many icons on my map. LOL

select “missing” for the pet tracker, then go catch them all in that zone, your map will soon be clear . :wink:

Where do I select ‘missing’ on Pet Tracker?

open the map, there is a search icon. next to that there should be a box to type searchs into. clicking on that should show the option for “missing”.