Permabans for bypassing the XP debuff. What are we doing?

That’s why I don’t think it’s just the XP debuff. There has to be something more here.

They should definitely face punishment, but it’s hard to justify perma bans at all, when very well known streamers can make a career out of exploiting bugs in pvp with basically no punishment ever.

Or any number of other examples where different rules seemed to be getting enforced for streamers/world first guilds.

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Isn’t that just your guess/assumption? Anyway, there has to be a good enough reason.

No people are being banned for bypassing a system put in place , regardless of how pointless it may be it’s still jumping through hoops to bypass it therefore exploiting. Blizz doesn’t need to give communication on these types of things just like the M+ leavers ban wave. Simply put don’t want banned , don’t do stupid things that will get you banned. It’s not like it’s hard to level to max unlike in the past where it took weeks or even months to level up.

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I was unbanned, others are getting access back as well. I was numb and pretty calm when it was gone, but now I am crying so much that I got it back.

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Tbh as someone who’s broken the game over the last 20 years and twink alot I never understand why they were so heavy on anti twinking but then they added twinking into the game with exp off, like the bgs for low levels made sense but let’s be honest if you’re not 70-80 you’re not pvping so twink pvping is gone besides FTP pvp, and then it’s fun being broken the most fun Ive has in wow recently has been the MOP remix because how broken we became its why people twink the power trip, it’s alot of fun becoming a broken level 10-19 and one shoting everything I’ve seen how it’s evolved over the years and how blizzard ruined any twink every xpac, did you know there’s MANY exploited ways to get current item level plus gear at level 30 as the lowest level right now, or you can get firelands legendary staff in one day thru the dungeon finder system but we don’t do those because it’s exploiting it’s dumb to ban people for enjoying the game and leveling fast in MOP people leveled to max because the potions in like 20-30 minutes, that’s like banning me in SOD for mass pulling invasions and leveling fast

19 was a popular bracket because of no mounts but that got ruined too.

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It’s just weird how there is not consistency. Ok you want to ban them but you don’t for other things people have exploited for ages? Makes no sense.

How many of those exploits dug into boost money?

It was NEVER about that, or they would have nerfed the crap out of Brackenhide Hollow in Dragonflight.

But if any of us did that it would be a lot longer than 7 days. They got essentially a slap on the wrist that didn’t impact them whatsoever…


I think delyssenil is talking about tw sets from back before levels got scaled down in tw.

This is about to be a very “erm actually :nerd_face:” moment, but BIS helmet for warlock/priests/mages like yourself at our level is a BOE MOP socket helm named ‘hood of alchemic vapours’, beating both tw helm and tanan socket helm by a small amount bit.

Errm, actually a 0.01% ultra-rare drop isn’t exactly twink farm gear.

That would be like saying a twink needs to Farm Invincible before he can start. Its an unrealistic piece of gear for a twink… i stand by the statement there’s no MoP socketed gear for a lvl 10-12ish twink.

I was going to respond more in detail to his post but he basically already stated he hadn’t a clue, so i left it at that.

So I was gearing a fresh twink last night and I encountered another twink who was clearly more experienced than me. We did dungeons together for a while - am I at risk of being banned for playing with them? I have no idea if they were exploiting or not - I don’t really have much reason to think they were but after seeing a lot of this discourse I can’t help but feel worried.

The ban was for botting, as long as your not doing that your ok

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I don’t know where you’re getting this. I think you might be jumping to conclusion based on the category of reason why for the ban in the email. This would fall under the existing policy of banning unattended play and input broadcasting.

But it’s a leap to say that’s all this was. I’ve seen multiple accounts that seem credible of people getting banned without botting anything. There are communities of people who twink and they know the rules. They’re not doing it to sell boosts. There’s no monetary gain so there’s no reason to risk nuking their account by botting. At worst, they might be boosting their own alts. Or maybe a friend.


They don’t want to permaban gold buyers. Outside gold sales increase inside gold sales. These gold buyers are people who would never have bought gold when buying gold was strictly banned, but now have moved their limits to buy gold in the game. At least some of them will realize that 3rd party gold is cheaper than Blizzard gold and switch over to that. The cycle just goes around and around. Blizzard’s current profit strategy is trying to find ways to convince more players that they need to buy gold to be able to play the game the way they want to.


That’s gotta be the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard xD

Permabanning people for reaching max level faster? You have nothing better to do with your life? HOA karens are taking notes right now.


This is how blizzard works nowdays, you havent realize that?


Supposedly a bunch of people got unbanned. Automation strikes again.

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