I agree. Yet Blizzard has shown itself capable of addressing this. I keep coming back to multi-boxing, specifically input broadcasting, being banned. There’s a support article and an official forum post that explicitly details the change in policy. Nobody sould be confused by this.
My stance is simple: if you go from not caring about something to dishing out permabans for it, it should come with explicit communication about what’s changed, why and what’s now not allowed. Initially it should come with a warning or a very short suspension so people get the message. That should be the bare minimum.
Additionally, permabans are about the most serious punishment Blizzard could hand out. It should be reserved for the most egregious behavior, things like infinite money glitches, hacking with third-party tools, egregious item duping and so on. Things that break the game. For me, something you do by just using the group finder to end up in the same group and the net effect of that is to simply level a bit faster simply does not rise to the permaban standard.
The fact that Blizzard has had to reverse itself and give people their accounts back, still without communication about whta’s changed and what went wrong to lead Blizzard to reverse its position, is unacceptable.
We still don’t know if boosting is the issue. Remember boosting isn’t technically against ToS. You can sell boosts for gold. Selling boosts and runs is a huge part ofd dte WoW economy. It’s selling such things for real-world money that’s against ToS. Boosting your own toons isn’t against ToS either.