Periodic disconnect

Its suppose to be a 1 gig. Can you post the complete model of either the computer or the motherboard

What type of internet cable are you using? There should be numbers on the cable. there are several types cat 3 , cat 5 cat 5e, cat 6 .

Can you check the speed the network adapter is connecting at.

Ethernet cable is a cat 6a and for the speed following those instructions it says 1.0gbps.

Can you switch the cables between your computer and the roommates. see if the issue changes machines. Want to find out if the cable is bad also test with a different port.

I will have to attempt this in the morning when we are both awake. As for the complete model of computer/motherboard, I am not sure exactly how to do that. I have found the system summary if that puts me anywhere close to the information needed.

It normally does not give a make and model number. looks like its a Asus of some sort

you can download CPU Z it should show the make and model of the main board . There is a tab labeled mainboard

Mainboard is
Model: Z97-A REV1.xx
Chipset: Intel Haswell Rev.06
Southbridge: Intel Z97 Rev.00
LPCIO: Nuvoton NCT6791

Was looking to see if there is a newer Bios. Please let us know the outcome of switching cables. first test with the room mates cable connected into its current port then with the room mates cable connected into the port you use,

Its possible either your cable is bad or the port. We know your room mates cable is good that is why we want to test with it.

After shutting down my computer and bringing it back up today, my internet speeds are back to 300+ (for now). The disconnects have still happened. I was just about to start a pet battle against and NPC when it wouldnt let me talk to him (tried a few times) checked to see if I was lagging by casting a spell. It went off fine and then DCd.

Have you had a chance to experiment with the cable switch Itsoktobegay?

Yes, I am currently attempting that and will let you know if a DC happens.

I have disconnect once so far. I was in a dungeon tanking. I logged back in very quickly and none of my keybinds worked and my favorited mounts were gone again. I had to relog to fix the issue.

You may have been sidetracked here. Have you tried the game with after a full UI reset and without addons. I gave instructions earlier in the thread?

Just wanted to make sure the network cable was good, The speed derogation between him and his roommate could have been a port or cable issue. Had a similar issue with disconnects and a connection speed issue cause by a cable that was damaged

Does your roommate also play WoW? If so are they also experiencing disconnects? If not, would you be able to see if you can try playing on their computer to help narrow things down?

I am sorry I never had a chance to respond. I will attempt the zero add-on thing this weekend since I have the free time to do so and will report back. My roommate does not play wow and neither of us are disconnecting randomly from any other game, including other blizzard games.