People stealing tags on invasion event in open world

Me and 3 other friends worked to get one of the crystals down to 5 percent from 100, and another team swooped in and stole all the tags on the Elites that drop epic gear. How is this allowed? This is ridiculous. Waste of a half hour for literally nothing in return.

What is the purpose of taking the crystal to 0%?

Actually curious i cleared an invasion esrlier just trying to see what drops…got dced and stuck in queue lol.

It spawns NPCs that take Necrotic Runes (8) to spawn an elite mob. These mobs drop Epic gear.

If your own faction - sad.
If the opposite faction - all’s fair in war.

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Unfortunately, it was same faction :frowning:

Sorry that happened.

You snooze you lose

I thought the invasion event wasn’t supposed to start until the 13th.

Sounds like your on farm mate GG

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