People openly GDKP selling DM items -- DM gen chat is just GDKP spam

How is it pay to win? Winning isn’t getting loot. Clown.

You can’t argue with them, the only thing they care about in game is loot so they view anyone who gets loot they don’t as cheating or sweaty, whichever applies in the moment

Blizzard needs to get serious about their rule on GDKP. Dire Maul spammers are selling items, overwhelming the general chat. They clearly have no fear that Blizzard will do a thing about it.

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Who cares.

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its not gdkp. There is no instanced bidding.

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Sounds like you’re mad that you can’t figure out how to solo DMT on your hunter.

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It is GDKP.

Blizzard defines GDKP as selling any dungeon or raid loot.


Why lie when everyone can read the blue post and know you are? Don’t you have a raid to be carried through?

Exchanging gold for items in a dungeon or raid is technically against the rules, that blizzard isn’t enforcing it doesn’t change that.

Yeah, it’s not hard, but you do have to learn the fights beforehand. You can BS your way through most Vanilla boss fights, but that won’t work with bosses like Loatheb, Thaddius or Four Horsemen.

This is not what the blue post says

Sure it does, trading instanced loot for gold is GDKP.


It doesn’t say that, no reason to lie when the information is available to all

I PvP there just to report the GDKP people. The WTB ones are my favorite cause they are promoting people to break the rules by GDKPing. I like dem ones

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I would be more careful about bragging about doing things against ToS on the forums, a blue may accidently stroll in here

Need/greed loot system is horrible, blizz should put a GDKP option in the game.

  • We’re defining GDKP as any raid or dungeon run where items are awarded in exchange for gold. Please note that we have multiple detection methods for GDKP that are effective both inside and outside of dungeon or raid instances.

Seems pretty clear, dungeons are absolutely included.


Clear that awarding items is, not selling them

Right selling/awarding same difference :stuck_out_tongue:


Make sure to report everybody in violation of the GDKP rule.