People make a fuss about gpyro fire mages…

That wasn’t “found” out.

All he did was say he looted his conquest box and got garbage.

Everyone gets conquest boxes if you cap arena or no arena.

He even mentioned bg scenarios in regards to los and other things.

IMO it doesn’t matter if some “value” is found, armory searching as a way to attack someone’s argument is never useful, it just looks tacky like the argument itself wasn’t good enough so “gotcha, I found something about you to attack instead!”

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“I capped my chest from arenas every single week” sounds like he mostly does arena and comes from that perspective.

it generally does mean you are familiar with pvp with modern classes and maps, as well as modern tactics and strategies. you can pretty easily correlate higher honor levels with better players.

rating does equate to skill for the most part, but only among players who participate in rated. a lot of people believe the fallacy that a rated player is better than an unrated player, but there is nothing that makes that true, plenty of the anti-arena casual only pvpers could mop the floor with your average 2k player.

Well that’s a little different if you just started this expansion.

People will have different viewpoints based on whether you have arena pillars to LoS or whether you are fighting in an open space with no LoS available. For BGs and world PvP, I typically assume the latter.

A destro lock would be much easier to fight with pillars nearby to LoS. Much harder to fight in the open field.

bgs can be tricky on this as well, some stuff acts like LoS while other stuff does not. you can hide behind certain terrain and still get blown up by either mages or locks hiding behind a mountain. the choke by SPGY is a perfect example.

Yeah, buildings are typically good LoS, but most trees, giant rocks, cliffs, hills, mountains etc aren’t going to stop anything. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s actually a skillset (playing without any LoS available) that some arena-only players never develop.

There are a lot of classes that need to rely on LoS though too unless they can offer to kite.

There are classes that benefit greatly from having LoS available, but I don’t think it’s necessary for any class in a 1v1. I think it’s highly dependent on what they are fighting. Which classes do you think it’s necessary?

Or did you mean that it’s necessary for some classes in certain matchups?

I do agree that it makes fighting some classes much easier though and it can put you at a disadvantage not having LoS available.

This will forever be the case in most scenarios. There’s an high number of match ups that are possible in this game, each one will be slightly different every time.

Classes that I think need them? Any class that doesn’t have very strong self sustain or kiting capabilities, or just classes that need to reset often to be successful.

Feral/Boomy/Rogue/WW/Hunters would be the quickest list I can think of, but I’m sure a lot more would benefit from it as well. None of these are good at brawling and require resets/avoiding larger CDs to overcome.

Classes like DH/DK/Fury don’t necessarily need LoS because they require to be on top of their targets in order to keep their self sustain going.

I think it’s more important what you are fighting rather than what class you are on.

A paladin would do better against a monk if there was no LoS but would do better against a mage or another caster if there was.

The monk really doesn’t need the LoS against the paladin though since they can kite the paladin in open space. Having LoS just makes it easier for the monk (same with rogue, feral, etc)

Of course, but it’s all relative. Like I said there’s hundreds of scenarios, a decent amount will rely on LoS to even have a shot at winning meanwhile for others it won’t matter etc.

No LOS against a destro is the worst thing ever :smile::gun:

I remember the first time someone said LOS to me when I stared arena in wrath.

I was like “what the hell is los??”

I honestly still struggle with it.

I come from a day and age when a rogue would 5-8 kite a warrior matching their every movement to get re-stealths off rather than running around a pillar until combat drops. I don’t have much respect for pillars. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just a heads up… Like kindergarten kids we will probably get into it again at some point. Feel free to step in anytime the hair pulling, slapping or pinching happens :joy:

No worries!

I’m usually just here to troll and joke.

Trying to keep the bg forum peace is all.

Hey! There can be arguing and peace.

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No there can’t.


Just kidding.

Double just kidding.




Remember Infestyx/Hitgirl/M (the priest one, can’t remember now) MORGANNA???

Those arguments used to get wild.

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