Actually, i keep see that in Epic BGs. As soon as the same cycle becomes visible … they leave.
Isle of Conquest it is when Horde take Hangar and the match goes into that slow, painful cycle where you can Defend while getting blasted by the Airships Cannons to bits(super not fun for me).
In Wintergrasp it’s when you see the Horde does their little Vehicle game.
And in Ashran … i ran well over 50 Ashrans by now … is there a time when you not loose because of Recourses? I have won as much Ashrans as i can count on one hand … and every time it ends in a Zerg fest.
So yeah … PvP was not allot fun for me. I think i stop with that, i only like to casually do some PvP anyways and now you can’t even gear through it.
On the topic of Ashran (specifically), I’ve never seen a bigger revolving door deserter-fest for Alliance. Ashran really is like “the new Wintergrasp”, it can get pretty bad
Sometimes there is so much “Player _____ has left the battle.” cluttering up the chat box that I literally have to scroll up to see chat messages.
Maybe I’m in the minority on here… but personally I’ve taken a real liking to Ashran
See, the thing with Ashran is you HAVE to fight, you can’t just AFK your way thru it like you can in the other epics. Maybe that’s part of the reason casuals complain and moan about it so much?
The other common complaint I see a lot in chat is the “this is taking too long” type complaints. I don’t really mind a longer game - especially one that’s packed with as much PvP as Ashran, but that’s just me
Don’t get me wrong, i Loved Ashran back in WoD. On both sides too!
To your “you HAVE to fight, you can’t just AFK your way thru it like you can in the other epics.” …
I do not dislike Ashran because you have to fight. Its the Style of fight that i dislike.
Now, this Style of fight … is not fun as Melee!
At least as a Windwalker Monk, it is boring. However as Death Knight it is sorta fun … the reason is because i can pull people out and i can put disease and Death and Decay into that crowd.
But … unless you are a Ranged Class, or a Tank … not fun.
Plus for some reason Alliance lets themselves get pulled in and even killed
And then there is that thing with those Song Flowers…
I don’t mind a longer game either, but to be honest i would like it if they gave both Sides Honor and Conquest for being in there.
Something like you start in there and you get 50 Conquest Points at the end. If you win you get +25% bonus Conquest, FIRST win of the Day raises that Bonus to +50% … something like that.
But the way it is right now, you enter a BG … your side sucks and you feel like and then you hang in there … and most of the time nowadays if your side sucks at the start even if later stronger people join you still loose and then that 1 hour you hang in there gives you nothing to show for and thats like
Yeah if you think that is like entitlement, wanting to get Conquest for staying in there … but looking at 1 hour games where you get rewarded dirt for loosing … no wonder people bail and rather take 15 min Deserter … allot jump on another toon and run a M+ or do something else like killing some mobs … after that you got a little something.
But i guess i should try that Mercenary thing …
I really like those two. Arena in 2s a game takes 5-30 minutes, depending do you run a DPS/Heal setup … you go in, no bs where 5+ shower you with CC stunlocks and confuse you with a piece of meat they want to fry after tenderizing you.
Even if you loose … its not the world, 50% win loss ratio is ok, unless you 3s or 5s and aim for a 2000+ Rating.
I missed your comment earlier, but to answer your question arena just doesn’t last long enough for my tastes… most matches are over in like 2-3 minutes and that’s just too short imo. Some people are into that, but I’m not one of them.
As for RBG’s, I’ve never really enjoyed the small bg’s for the same reasons as arena… matches are too short and just “not enough” PvP for my tastes. 40 man/epic bgs are my bread and butter, gimme that BIG large-scale PvP plz
So yeah - the little bg’s don’t interest me very much at all… I think I do maybe 1-2 little bgs per week. It’s pretty rare for me to queue for those. Epic bgs on the other hand, and especially when Southshore vs Tarren Mill is up?? I can go for hours and hours