People hate Sylvanas, but love Vegeta

I liked vegeta because I was five and he motivated me to do one armed push ups and pretend I was in a gravity chamber. Sylvanas is just incredibly cringe.

Not the same character in the slightest.


Abridged Vegeta is best Vegeta.


Even more so given that the Buu arc was Toriyama being pure Toriyama. No executive meddling to cause him to swap primary antagonists over and over again. Like what happened in the Android Arc (although in this case it was a good. I mean going from Freeza to an old man and a clown. Then some punk teenagers. Really?). Now Toriyama can write a story on the seat of his pants and it can, somewhat make sense.


The “new” Broly movie was unironically pretty great, at least.

Was that pure toriyama too? I forget.

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I don’t know if anyone’s pointed this out, but the biggest textual difference is that the story is not trying to frame Vegeta’s genocides as something he did for what he saw as noble reasons. Especially when he’d need to be completely braindead to consider his cause noble.

Vegeta killed entire planets of perfectly innocent people. He did that because it was his job, he was good at it, and he enjoyed lording his superiority over weaklings. He did not do that, because he was actually trying to help the universe become better, an idea which he was convinced of by talking to Frieza the Space Lucif-itler McObviousEvil.


In what way does this even matter? O.o Imagine comparing the most extreme anime ever to WoW… I’m just so utterly confused by this. Not the same writers, not the same fans. Apples to oranges. I mean, I GET what you’re trying to do with this post, but it doesn’t rly matter in the context of Sylvanas, ultimately.

I think if you ask most people if they even like DBZ, they’re gonna say “Yeah, when I was 12” or “No, it’s straight garbo.” It’s not something ppl take very seriously, even in the anime community.

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Yeah, but maybe with some help from his heir apparent. I’m unsure.

That’s because despite having something of a dark side he still has something more to fight for, even if he can’t admit it publicly

(Except in this instance)
Vegeta Rage Thats My Bulma! | HD (English Dub) - YouTube

What do we get from Sylvanas? plans, within plans, within plans that amounts to…failure.

Showing about as much intelligence as she showed when she threw a hissy fit outside of Orgrimmar during the mokgora vs Saurfang, when it goes completely against her scheming, cunning character and when she could’ve easily kept her cool and kept her position in the Horde to further divide it since the traitors would have no legs to stand on having already cowardly turning to the Alliance for strength.

Whoever did Warcrafts writing had no long-term plan in mind. They just do what they think is cool and for some absurd reason, knocking off Sylvanases character is going to make someone on or above the writing staff launch into an life-threatening fit since they move heaven and hell itself just to keep the spotlight on her.


Actually no. It was Afrasabi writing most of her story from WotLK on. Keep this in mind. He claimed he had most influence over her story.


Then I suppose we can only be glad he got canned from that Cosby nonsense.


He does a lot of push ups and sit ups, and he drinks plenty of juice.

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In simple terms, Vegeta started as a villain and became a hero, Sylvanas started as a hero and became a villain. If you want to compare anime characters to Warcraft, Naruto’s characters have a lot more in common than Dragon Ball’s.


,I don’t remember any scenes in Warcraft where the Horde and Alliance ran at each other sticking their heads far forward and arms held way back.

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But even Freiza saving the universe was written within the confines of his character, it was for entirely selfish reasons lol.


Warcraft has all sorts of “chosen one” characters which Naruto has. Naruto also has a lot of genocidal villains being forgiven for barely any reasons despite killing a ton of people. There’s also the fact that Naruto is basically the reincarnated son of a moon goddess and is destined to be a “Night Warrior” to save Saske.

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Lol. But, unlike with night elves and tyrande Naruto and his Allies actually succeeded in their goals instead of being dumped on entirely :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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They still forgive genocidal villains and let them go without any repercussions.


Only Obito, which all fans agree was stupid. And only Naruto was the one doing the forgiving. Everyone else was killed off either by other protagonists or in an encounter with a strong antagonist (Kaguya being revived killing Madara).