People hate Sylvanas, but love Vegeta

Vegeta’s story didn’t get infinitely worse like Sylvanas, and he was likeable from the getgo, as a Villain.

He became more humanized, while Sylvanas is a puppet with a terrible story arc.

Vegetable started as a villain and became a hero. Sylvanus was a hero, then a villain and now a hero again.

Vegeta had a character arch that made sense.

Sylvanas does not because blizzard took a character that was an isolationist who spoke against Garrosh’s war from the very start and turned her into Garrosh two expansions later.

Sylvanas was never good but she wasn’t totally evil either until Blizz decided to make her the villain because they are too incompetent or lazy to write a good story.


It’s really hard to compare a character from a show or comic to a live service video game. Because in that game, wow, the story may have to take a hit based on the timeline the game has to give us a decent story. But also can’t have too many cutscenes because it’s not trying to be a movie.

Any new wow story/lore is constantly changing or come up short because they don’t have the screentime that other medians have. Wow does not have that many cut scenes. It has quick two minutes cut scenes that they have to put as many story elements as they can.

Wods story was a little weak because of all the cut content. So they had to staple what they had together. Grom was going to be the big bad but they had to fast track the story so legion would make sense.

It’s not quite the same as Sylvanas but it’s not that far off either. They don’t have the time to put in 90 episodes of Sylvanas build up and another 90 for her redemption.

Warcraft III story was pretty good because we got it all in one package. I think that’s what they should do, going forward, when it comes time to developing a more story driven game. The actual story progressing from the moment you start leveling and finishes with the first raid. The next few raids and dungeons being either loose ends, side content or just totally different story’s.

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They should make them longer then.

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Vegeta is at least a well thought out character and actually has a story that makes sense

Plus he really only became a good guy cuz he met a woman who wasn’t afraid of him and his only coping mechanism was to marry her, so now he can’t blow up earth

I liked Vegeta when i was 14.

Check’s out i guess.

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The way Vegeta says that

Boy, there are some subtle references to their activities together

At least he’s a bad guy that owned it

He didn’t go around murdering entire people’s and try to claim he’s doing it to help everyone

It also helps that the DBZ world has wishes that can just undo everything bad in an instant

It makes the villains actions much less important or impactful if nothing is permanent (even death)


Brah even Freiza helped out in saving the universe

And therein is the point. Comparing the story delivery system of an anime to a video game is not in any way, shape or form a good comparison.

But once again, if people are simply comparing Sylvanas the character to Vegeta the character, that is entirely different, as was posted in quotes just above the comment that I’m replying to currently.


Vegeta was a developed character over the span of the manga or show. I liked his character growth.

Sylvanas hasn’t had any room to grow IMO. She’s been the focal point, but all she does is twirl her mustache and cackle at her big plan, then makes snap decisions that feel out of character for the person we’ve watched her develop into.

I wish Sylvanas was written half as well as Vegeta, and DBZ isn’t known for being a great story, lol. If WoW was Dragon Ball Z, then Shadowlands would be the Garlic Jr. saga.


People don’t hate Sylvanas because she’s evil. People loved her for that.

People hate modern Sylvanas because it’s a trash character written by garbage writer.


She got “Danused”.

Is this what people feel for Ion Hazzikostas? Every time I think of Danuser I wonder why he’s still employed. The difference of course being that WoW is actually fun in terms of gameplay and raids and what-not, whereas its pretty much universally agreed that Shadowlands story is trash. Does he float by justifying that he enables book sales and merchandising with this hack writing? I actually don’t understand how he’s still working on this franchise. It’s so bad. It’s not just Sylvanas, it’s also Nathanos, it’s also Zovaal, all of our main villains are just so annoying to deal with. It was never like this with Illidan or Arthas - Arthas twirled his mustache in WOTLK and yeah that wasn’t great but at least we got to know what he was about. Arthas had the Wrathgate, he had his heart story-line, he had numerous appearances, we knew what his deal with.

It’s actually annoying to even think about sometimes, I dunno. I can have fun just playing the game but if you pay attention to the story its a bit of a joke.

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Look for One Pace. Trims the filler.

Lol. Must be bringing this up because Vegeta is trending?

People like him because of his development. It took until at least part way through the Majin buu Saga for him to actually come to terms with his mistakes and that ruthless mentality that he had and that was something that he thought as he made a family and some that could be considered friends (hesitantly) he felt was holding him back. And even then it wasn’t until after his actions with helping to kill an unhinged bubblegum monster and his willingness to sacrifice himself to do it knowing full well that he wasn’t even powerful enough to beat him just to see it destroyed so everyone else can keep living. From his introduction to just prior to meeting Bulma he was completely full of himself. After he was just a jerk with a chip on his shoulder concerning Goku. And leading to the end of Buu it took time for everyone else to fully accept Vegeta as a good guy after the multiple sacrifices he made and attempted.

Sylvanas, from her introduction to Wrath had one goal that we all could follow and we understood perfectly why she was doing it. Afterwards… nothing. For years it was just “I have these yuge plans”, but we could never follow it or her because everything is so secretive and unfinished even now to the point where many are frustrated because they tried to hype her up and make her feel like this sympathetic character, but we can’t feel that due to gaps in the story and how disconnected we feel from her. Unlike Vegeta, we didn’t have that story that we could experience as well as us db fans have with him.


Honestly, if anyone is a Vegeta of WoW, it is probably Garrosh or Illidan. Pompous, self-entitled a-holes who would rather suffer eternal torment than admit they were wrong about something. And we love them for that.

Sylvanas could have been that… Kind of. I am not sure if Sylvanas an Vegeta are comparable villains. It has been awhile since I have watched DBZ, so I am struggling to remember all of Vegeta’s motivations.

The difference between Sylvanas pre-BFA and Post-BFA is the War of Thorns. That was the main turning point of the character. Some might say that it is consistent with her character. That she has commit Genocides before, and that is true. Gilneas, Southshore, even before Cata, Sylvanas was hands down the most evil racial leader in the game. Yet, she was a Sympathetic villain, at least for Forsaken players.

The Forsaken were perceived as monsters to the rest of the world. Hunted, tortured and killed by the Scarlet Crusade. The Forsaken retaliated in brutal and inhumane ways. Regardless if you agree with that morally, there is a degree of understanding and even satisfaction in that. But the Scarlet Crusade wasn’t a playable faction. The humans that made up their ranks did not have the same identity as playable humans. When Cata hit, and the Alliance lost Southshore and Gilneas, it still wasn’t a place that anyone was to attached too.

Gilneas was a mystery land behind a big wall before it was attacked. Southshore was a small questhub, nothing really important. Unlike Astranaar, Darkshore and Teldrassil. Places that not only had been part of the Night Elf story line, but were the center of it. Everything the Kaldorei player has done between Classic and Cata, had to do with that damn tree.

So, even if Sylvanas’ motivations were properly communicated to the Audience, and we learned that Teldrassil was somehow her Revenge for what Genn did in Stormheim, the whole thing still hits different because it is such a place of importance for a playable race. And the writing team really made no effort to try and communicate or even foreshadow Sylvanas’ motivations. They expected us to “Wait and see” through an entire expansion, and to this day are still asking the same thing of us.

When you also consider that the Nelf community is already bitter regarding their treatment from the story team, the War of Thorns was simply, first, a bad marketing idea, and second, a bad narrative idea. If you are writing a story, and you don’t even consider your target audience, you are setting yourself up for an unsatisfied consumer base.

That is another thing Sylvanas fans people need to understand (I was a big Sylvanas fan pre-BFA). Blizzard doesn’t care about you. You are not even a thought. If you were, they would have treated Sylvanas with a lot more care, and produced a story that has the nuance and payoff deserving of her character. Instead, they prioritized their monthly work quotas, assuming their player base either didn’t care or would be too stupid to criticize. The real sad part is, they were right. Because we STILL have Blizz shills. We STILL have Sylvanas fans. We STILL have people defending this absolute insult of a product from Blizzard.


Yeah, with Vegeta concerning his development past super he fully acknowledges his faults and mistakes and even in recent story was willing to fight for the namekians against a new villain even if it cost him his life as an attempt for atonement even if they wouldn’t forgive him for what he did. And currently right now he’s fighting someone with a huge grudge against the saiyans and after Vegeta sees that he can’t reason with him with his words he decided that he’s just going to kick his a*** to teach him a lesson about power that the current opponent prides himself on. Vegeta isn’t that selfish character anymore. That boat sailed long ago.

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If Vegeta were an MMO character and the bug planet citizens were playable, they would hate Vegeta.