People hate Sylvanas, but love Vegeta

It’s so worth it to picture sylvanas screaming “I WILL NEVER REGRET DOING THIS” to night elves then cut to Elune crying

Vegeta died on Namek though after finding out he was never the chosen one… then everything after that was him trying to redeem himself on his own terms, with occasional failures like his Majin phase, until he basically worked his way into being an Antihero and after a very VERY long time earning his redemption.

He sacrificed his life during the Freiza and Buu fights at least, and even asked piccolo this first (im paraphrasing)
Vegeta: “Hey, am I gonna be able to come back to life or at least get to fight goku again in heaven if I go out in a blaze of glory sacrificing myself for you A-Holes?”

Piccolo: “LOL Nope, your a terrible person and going straight to hell forever for the infinitely terrible acts of genocide you committed. As it should be. you A-hole.”

And then he STILL blew himself up knowing the consequences.
Over time he developed friendships and rivalries, and even started a family which, eventually, led to him mellowing out and becoming a better person. (Wow I’m surprised how much of DBZ I remember from being a teenager)

IMO he kind of deserved redemption because it’s something he worked at for a LONG time including saving the planet multiple times and killing himself for others over what has basically been a redemption background arc spanning 2 decades. Vegeta remains a vain egomaniac capable of acts of violence, BUT it’s something he pays for over and over again and continually works on.

Now Sylvanas on the other hand is a terrible person who also committed genocide, but there’s no redemption arc that fits here.
“Boom, soul back… ok I guess that’s that. I’m good now guys.”
And even before recent events and even the retcons and “new information” that repaints the entire backstory she has for her 20 year history in Warcraft, we have pure Dark Lady Sylvanas from Vanilla through to the end of WOTLK and she is NOT a good person.

You kill a LOT of people in terrible ways as a forsaken leveling up in Lordaeron, including poisoned pumpkins, exposure to various plague samples, and is possibly the mastermind behind the whole Wrath Gate encounter. She was always a terrible person since she died in WC3.

Now you can say “But Vincent… Since she died she’s been forced to be evil and had no choice. It’s really Arthas’ fault” And to that I say… “BS”. There are good undead. Leonid Bartholemew the revered is the first to come to mind, Faol is another, and so is Jaina’s Brother: Fish-stink Proudmore. So even though they were killed and raised they never went evil.

Now you can also say “But Vincent… She was soul split!” and while little is really understood about this totally unneccesary and unhelpful Deus-Ex Machina they threw in for this… Lots of people were soul-split and they never ended up being evil genocidal maniacs. The closes we got was Bluther who is just sad and whines a lot.

So TLDR: Vegeta earned redemption through 20 years of self improvement, reflection, and sacrifice. Sylvanas is an Emo Goth Waifu who has done non of that and needs to die.


I mean, we have plenty of examples of what they think is a “Good” redemption arc from the past expansions… and most if not all of them are terrible…

Vegeta is a complex character, he’s not just a simple bad guy villain, he has honor, pride, ambition and is also shown over the series to be a better father than Goku.


This is such a twisted view of anything I said. I spelled it out for you and all you do is sleep toxic crap. I was never insulting towards you and yet all you’ve done is scream “troll” and make crap up.

Out me on ignore like you said you were and don’t ever respond to me again.

Way to cherry pick my responses and leave everything else out for your bad narrative .

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It is relevant. Saying you’re a published author is meaningless and doesn’t add anything. You can compare anything. Apples and oranges. It doesn’t matter. Will it make for a good comparison? :man_shrugging: That you’re going hole hog into your stance says quite a bit.


Cut to past vegeta

“Too bad its sunday. That building would have been full of people tomorrow”

I kid. That was just the dub toning down all the murdering he did lol

Goku is a noticeably loving and caring father, he have his own desires and ambitions that he pursues to a great degree. But there is absolutely a loving and caring father in him, but both Goku and Vegeta are largely absent - both of them would immediately take off as soon as the opportunity for more power arises.

Goku already sacrificed himself twice, once to make sure Gohan was safe, and another time to correct, at that point in time, Gohan’s mistake. When Goku then came back for a moment, Gohan was an adult. Goku didn’t get a lot of time to spend with his family, as we then enter the Buu-problems.

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I remember crying as a kid when Vegeta died fighting Majin Buu. Mostly just the reaction from Trunks and how Vegeta gently knocked him out. Well it’s gentle by Vegeta standards

Yeah, when crap hits the fan, the Z fighters know they can rely on Goku and Vegeta to do something extremely drastic to save the world. In the manga, Vegeta even learns to calm the f- down, I mean, that is drastic.

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I am the product of a secret government cloning experiment combining the DNA of Rowling, Tolkien, and Martin. My full name is J.K.R.R. Hamstar!


but at the same time he’s able to show affection to Bulma and spends father/son time with Trunks. Goku abandons his family anytime a fight looks interesting, even putting his own son in danger against Cell.


Toooo be fair.

At that point, at that time, no one but Gohan would stand a chance against Cell. It was either get Gohan to “man” the f up… or they all just get f’ed.

Had Vegeta and Goku known the fusion dance, it would be a different story.

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You want be enemies with a person who can blow up a Universe? causes he becomes a God of destruction in the last manga :rofl:

In Vegeta’s case it was more like the enemy of my enemy is my best friend.
For Sylvanas its more like treason and betrayal .

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I’m trying to maintain a neutral position by telling myself they can’t do worse than, “Draenor is free!”


but that was Goku’s fault as well, he recklessly gave Cell a senzu bean because he wanted a good fight, bit off more than he could chew and died. even as art of war goes, that was stupid, a good father would have destroyed Cell without mercy because of the threat he posed to his family.


Goku didn’t stand a chance against Cell… at all. Cell was just playing.
The ones we can truly blame in this instance, is Vegeta and Krillin.

Giving Cell a senzu though, yeah, not the best of idea. But giving him one and not giving him one would make no difference. None stood a chance against Cell, none other but Gohan. Gohan just had to man the f up at that time, it was the only hope.

kind of thinking about this, but if you look at the two different journeys, Goku goes through a sort of heroes journey, several times over in the series, but most prominently in the Frieza saga.

Vegeta on the other hand goes through a different journey, not necessarily an anti-hero journey, but more of a normal one many men go through, often men are rowdy, violent and stupid in their youth, many even going off to war, then as they grow older, they settle down and raise a family.

Vegeta’s journey is more realistic and identifiable to people than Goku’s. we all know are aren’t the chosen one who will save the universe, but we can all grow up and sort life out.


Because Vegeta’s redemption arc took something like two decades and he’s only now just accepting that he’s never going to be as good as Goku. Here’s the thing about Vegeta’s arc, though: he never did apologize for his actions and he’s still a jerk, but he did decide to fight back against the people who still want stuff like that to happen.

To paraphrase Todd, “You can’t just keep doing awful things then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay. You need to be better.”

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Nope. It’s exactly what you are doing here. You are toxic on purpose.

Try it with real arguments next time and not with “you can’t do that because I don’t like it”.

Not at all. Those were your responses and nothing else. You don’t make any sense.