People hate Sylvanas, but love Vegeta

Reminder that Vegeta is currently stronger than Goku, and that Granolah will beat into submission and it won’t be Goku getting all the credit.

Gokufriends get to sit back and watch the Vegeta power hour since UI is dumpster fire when compared to chad tier destruction.

Seeing as I’ve come across fanfiction written better than some published authors, that’s not saying anything.


If I interpreted the original post correctly, it isn’t about comparing storytelling, it is about comparing individual characters. What makes it more acceptable for one villain to be redeemable over another?

I think it is a fair question and I wouldn’t get too hung up on an anime example being used. You can pick a villain that was redeemed from another form of media and the question still stands. I guess probably one of the most famous examples stands out. Did Darth Vader redeem himself at the end when he sacrificed himself to save his son?

The only problem I have with this question is enough time hasn’t been given to see what is going to happen. Theoretically, Sylvanas can be redeemed in the eyes of at least some people depending on what they do with her. Some people won’t accept it because they just hate the character in general, regardless.


You don’t you are trolling.

Well that’s good to see.

All of your responses were nonsensical.

Even the comparison two FF14 shows how bad your take really is. In a MMO you have stories build up for many years two. That’s in fact also a large part of why people are reacting different to Vegetha than Syvlanas. You know my replay is was correct.

Omgosh that video is spot on! Thanks for sharing it.

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Irrelevant. At least that’s comparing the same type of media.

That’s fair. If I misinterpreted that, then that’s my fault.

And if people want to compare overall storytelling in WoW compared to FF or Old Republic or Rift or another MMORPG, that would also make sense.

About time I say.

Whale simping for Blizz and abusers. Uff.

Just ignore him and talk about the topic to more interesting response.

Goku and Jiren’s fight already did the impossible, the reverberations of their blows shook “an endless void”. Obviously not Grand Zeno “blink reality out of existence” levels of power but already doing craziness.

Sure bub.

Regardless, at the end of the day, people care about fun and enjoyment, and Vegeta had a fun and compelling redemption arc, whereas the Sylvanas redemption arc is already grating. Both anime and MMOs exist to create enjoyment and if it isn’t doing that job properly it is a failure regardless if it is an anime or MMO.

I haven’t read the manga and probably won’t, but Vegeta surpassing Goku for anything except a temporary moment seems… questionable. They spent way too long establishing that Vegeta has finally accepted Goku is his superior, I guess they have to do something to change his status quo - let him get stronger, let him get cocky, so he can become prideful and fall again. Seems like a mistake to me but time well tell - it is hard to go forward with Vegeta since his character was essentially “complete”.

Yeah, I admit it is quite weird.
But I still like Vegeta a lot, and it is amazing that he gets stronger and may actually get a win for once.

Well there’s also a vid by him that covers forgiving a bad guy

I just can’t link it because of language

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KH is also an example of long story telling, since it’s events stretch over years of development… and oddly enough it all makes sense from a multiple character perspective.

DC levels of power creep XD…

“I don’t agree with someone so they’re a troll.” :roll_eyes:

…resonances? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

When comparing how storylines are presented and played out, one has to understand the different mediums in which they are told.

But Lunkel also pointed this out:

So again, if that’s the point I missed and it’s not an overall comparison, then I misinterpreted that.

Excuse me???

I never ONCE said the writing for WoW was good and was never ONCE part of my argument. Take your toxic crap elsewhere.


How is this possible when we don’t even know if that is going to happen and even if it does, it hasn’t even started yet so how can it be grating?

I don’t want to defend the story in this game too much but can we at least wait to see what actually happens before all the kneejerk reactions?

Yup that one. I just wasn’t sure if it was allowed because of the title and some language in the clip lol

Redeeming evil villains is fine if it’s well done.

Sylvie’s story is not well done.


People like Darth Vader and Arthas.
Of course they’re hypocrites for over moralizing this game.

Whelp, I see you after a few days of vacation.
Worth it.


No, I won’t.
Your whole take here is:
“Muh you can’t compare stories because… because… I don’t like it wuah”. You are simply wrong.