People hate Sylvanas, but love Vegeta

Eh…unless you mean by skipping out on most of the animation…:stuck_out_tongue:

Freiza powering up for 80 years. Then of course Vegeta had to see Cell’s final form.

Fun fact: the longest power-up in DBZ is three minutes.

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You can’t and you’re doing it wrong.

I love how a bunch of forum posters think they have a clue how storylines are written for two entirely different types of media. :roll_eyes:


Literally everything in 14 is driven the story. It’s done the complete opposite of wow. In wow, game play comes first.

In FF14, if they can’t come up with a reason for something and have it make sense for the story, they straight up won’t do it.


I believe this actually has to do with time dilation, an artificial perception of slowed time. When you think about it, if all of local time is slowed or even frozen/the person is moving at speeds greatly superior to even the fastest known aircraft… then time “would” appear to move much slower within these conditions.

DBZ’s writing is trash, but it’s fun. Kinda like Metzen era WoW.

Danuser and Christie’s writing is just trash.


Man I checked out One Piece again after a bunch of years and they are over 1000 episodes. I was looking at them and they are like 80%+ filler. Even the few non-filler episodes I watched were a third filler and recap.

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This thread is attempting to compare anime to WoW.

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Pretty sure he actually has a massive character change and it was for a reason. Sylvanas is literally just “Me no like word me ANGY”


Are you trolling or genuinely this shortsighted?

Sure felt like forever. At least we have DBZ kai

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How exactly am I doing it wrong? :rofl: :joy:

What’s “wrong” there? Nothing is wrong. WoW’s story is simply so bad it loses against DBZ.

We do. Most of us can write better stories than the incompetent abusers that wrote Sylvanas story. Yes they were involved.
I even wrote and published my own stories lol. So in fact yes, I do know how this works. Butthurt whales for this game are pathetic.

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I did not know Vegemite was anything other than a tasty topping for toast.



I’m aware, but you made the comment that long narratives can’t happen in an mmo. I was providing an example of a place where they have made it happen.

So it’s possible, but the wow team certainly can’t seem to do it.


I’m a published author. I have a better understanding of the different ways media is written than you do. :roll_eyes:

We get you you are trolling and simping for WoW. That’s it.


You could pluck a random goldshire RPer off moonguard and come up with a better story half the time.

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Well, FFXIV tells a better story than Dragon Ball.

Telling you facts isn’t trolling. And I never.once said that WoW writing was good. What a trash response. :roll_eyes: