People hate Sylvanas, but love Vegeta

Blizzard ain’t got time for that! Places to be and trees to burn!

Frieza was never good. “I don’t want the entire universe to be destroyed because I live in the universe” is not good. He is pure evil. Always has been, he’s just not stupid.

I haven’t read the manga though so maybe I’m missing something.


Frieza is a total tsundere over Goku.

Sylvanas is almost the same story as Grommash in WoD, they suddenly turn good at the last possible second before we kill them, mostly because they were betrayed by a bigger bad guy and not because they wanted to be good.

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If I remember correctly, I was 12 the last time I cared about Vegeta. Perhaps I would like Sylvanas arc too if I was still 12, as I thought the lord of the rings and warcraft lore were the most amazing thing in the world when I was 15.

Unfortunately for blizzard (and surely for me), 20 years have passed.

These days all I hope for is some consistency in the story. That is still too much, it seems.


They said vegeta is good for you though.

I refuse to eat my Vegetas and my Kakarots.


Vegeta was a clear antagonist, he wasn’t posing as anything else, and went through a decades long journey to becoming better and better over time and different story archs.

More importantly, Vegeta was never “redeemed”. He was just accepted despite his past.

Jury is still out on Sylvanas until we see the end of her arch, but it’s not looking like it’s going to have nearly the amount of development time that Vegeta had.

EDIT: In the same sense, Goku is not a hero. He’s never portrayed as one. He doesn’t save the world or the universe because it’s the right thing to do. He fights because he enjoys fighting people stronger than him. That’s all he cares about. And in order to facilitate that, he’s purposely done some stupid selfish things, like sparing Vegeta, sparing Freezer…


Yeah, but the Vegeta’s story actually makes sense, while Sylvanas’ doesn’t.

Sylv was obsessed with vengeance against Arthas and the scourge for what he did to her and her people, to the point that she killed herself after the death of Arthas because she saw that her existence had no more meaning; THEN she goes helping the guy who was dominating Arthas when he committed the atrocities she hated Arthas for. This makes no sense!

Everything Vegeta did make sense within his character, he never liked being second to anyone, he always made clear that he would protect the things that he, and only he, cares about, and nothing else, until he slowly started to care for more and more things, thus desiring to protect more things. There is reason, It is believable, it was not like “you know the thing that I hate the most in all my existence? now I am helping it because yes”.


He would risk dooming the universe for a good fight, hasn’t done so thus far.

Arh, come on. Can’t blame Goku for another individual’s inferiority complex.

Buu is many things, but I would not call him evil. Atleast not the current fat buu, nor while his more evil counterpart, the OG Buu was still a part of him. Buu is, at worst, a child who does not in full understand right from wrong, Hercule or Mr. Satan is teaching him. But it can not be denied that Buu can be fairly selfish, but not evil.

We can’t blame Goku for Zamasus inferiority complex and Gowasu’ poor training or direction. Zeno being attracted by Goku can be seen more as a boon, rather than a problem. The idea to destroy the worse planets were already up in the air, the idea of a tournament brought the idea of potential redemption for those worse planets. Goku is still an idiot though, and would risk a lot just for the sake of a good fight.

He’d risk the planet and the universe, until he actually realises that the crap is serious, then he regrets it. We see this when he throws Gohan to Cell, or when he gets angry when his friends are hurt bad or dies. Goku is a cocky moron, but he is not heartless.


But the one that gets me… is android 17’s redemption arc… or lack thereof… like Android 18 kinda makes sense, android 17 just sort of shows up with a conservation job at the tournament of power arc… keep in mind that the androids stole a van (and 18 specifically robbed a clothing store)… I’m pretty sure they had an arrest warrant.

It’s a very different kind of story. You did not play 20 years (or more if you count WC3) as the people Vegeta wiped out.

The Sylvanas hate is way to cringe and way to extreme in my view, but the frustration about the Night Elves is understandably.

Also considering the people that wrote Sylvanas story, or at least large parts of her story for WoW are creeps, abusers or enablers of abuse and or harassment… well it’s no wonder were we ended up.

I didn’t know vegetables can do that.

To be fair.

The Z fighters have little interest in playing a police force, only Krillin joined the police, and even he is not interested in going after previous uber powerful people.

I think it was just a matter of leaving the androids alone. Imagine such powerful beings in our own world, where we had no equal super power to them. They commit crimes for a long awhile, and then suddenly just stops and just lives among us… doing nothing bad, just chilling. What would we do? Would we really try to arrest them?

'tis a fun question. What would we actually do in such a situation.

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I think you’re swinging too far in the other direction here. Yes, Goku is absolutely driven by the idea of a challenge more than almost anything else with basically a childlike fascination for fighting and strength. But he is not without a sense of morality, or justice. What often gets him into hot water is spur of the moment naivety, not an immoral choice of a good fight over the lives of others.


Vegeta is cool, Sylvanas isn’t.

You know it’s bad when DBZ takes better writing cues than Danuser.


What do the people say.

Just increase the size of Sylvanas’ breasts, and people will be more likely to forgive her.

Also, considering that the Buu saga is Toriyama totally unfiltered and thus the worst of all of the Dragon Ball sagas, and is still far better than World of Warcraft’s storytelling. The worst Dragon Ball saga, is still better than World of Warcraft.


Gohan was literally parading around as a super hero.

But yeah, in general most of them don’t really care about these little things, and in makes sense in context. When even low-level baddies can straight up blow up planets, it isn’t worthwhile to concern yourself with petty crimes when you could be making yourself strong enough to protect the entire planet.

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Does GT count? Because if so, it’s GT.

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Yeah, I guess it was a little different in the main Dragon Ball timeline. The androidsonly stole some items and killed a couple of people, and they were really only interested in Goku and the Z-fighters, and only killed lesser people who intentionally got in their way.

Had they been like their Trunks-timeline counterparts, the Z-fighters may have actually been more active in pursuing them.

GT is non-canon. But yeah, I guess most of GT is worse than the Buu saga. The only good part of GT was the Baby Vegeta part, and even that is not extremely good. But still better than World of Warcraft story.


I hate DBZ and have no idea why anyone would compare an anime to an MMO.