People expect WAY too much from healers

maybe he was conserving mana for when you decide the blue stuff is a ragebuilder two minutes into the fight.


Your fights are lasting 2 minutes?

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Tanks need to:
Watch Everyones Aggro
Watch their own aggro
Watch the healers mana
Watch the dps mana
Watch their own mana/resources
Watch and make sure you and the dps are actually doing something and not picking belly lint
Move out of stuff and use their abilities to deal with ALL mechanics
In many cases do tank only mechanics
and so on.

One huge difference is the healing “rotation” can be done by an 8 year old with your whackamole addons.
Nobody has mini heart attacks doing their rotation, least of all healers since your jobs are so easy that it’s now normal for healers to also dps in between running around, jumping and spamming heals on themselves. So a healing rotation is about as intense a cloudy day in azeroth.

Yet with how easy you have it you healers expect to be catered too like pampered infants.

Not enough is expected of healers anymore and your post shows it given how wildly and donkey witted your padded lists of woes is.


Dunno how it is for pallies and priests… but the DPS spells for Shaman are a whole lot cheaper than the healing spells. Like… by a lot.

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Why is the response to this argument always, “well what if the DPS are crap?!?!”

Maybe don’t group with crap DPS who stand in blue stuff? I don’t know why we’re running with the expectation that the DPS are incompetent. If I expect the healers to play well why wouldn’t I expect the same of the DPS?


#notallhealers :joy:


(Because if you expect everyone to be competent, then the healer has to be competent and capable of multitasking… evidently too much?)

you need healer dps to push a boss over. we’ve already established how good the DPS are.

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Fixed that for you, now try to keep up.

If doing damage is that much of a principal shock- try to think of it as “Damage mitigation” (you know, like throwing a pain sub on the tank)
If the boss goes down after 3 AoE mechanics instead of 4 (because heals did damage as well) then heals has effectively mitigated an entire AoE damage mechanic’s worth of ouchie through their damage.


Forgive me for sounding rude, but healers are a support role. Of course we should be doing everything you listed. In dungeons there are periods where not using our toolkit in rotation results in deaths. In a raid setting we have an entire team of healers (you don’t have to be the guy to top people off every single raidwide).

I remember being in CC rotation during Antorus prog, which was the most demanding on MW monks. I relied on my co-healers to keep people spothealed in the meantime.

So many of these complaints read like you are trying to be an hps meter hero, or people are so stressed that someone else won’t pick up the healing. Trust. Check your overhealing. There is time to do all of this.

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This is why many cant heal. THey cant deal with the stress.

I am fine with it because after the stress, there is a cool down period (hopefully) before it happens again. If there is no ebb and flow I would never do it again.

Like you said as a dps its how well can a perform a static routine. With a healer its how well can I improvise a solo while working in harmony with my tank


No one said the healer DPS was required. But adding the healer damage to DPS damage will always be greater than DPS damage alone regardless of the skill level of the DPS.

The skill level of the DPS is completely irrelevant. The question isn’t whether or not we wipe if the healer doesn’t do damage, the question is what is the healer giving up in order to do damage? The answer is frequently nothing.

My formula for healer damage is very simple. Every GCD the healer asks themselves,

“Does someone need to be healed right now?”

Yes → heal them
No → damage spell

That’s it. If the group is taking a lot of avoidable damage or if the healing requirements of the fight are naturally high then that “no” will become a lot rarer. That’s fine. I’m not asking you to do damage in those situations. All I’m asking is that when “no” does come up, you do damage instead of nothing. What’s wrong with that?


Uhh I’m a DPS who interrupts but I have a CD on said interrupt, I even use stuns when possible, still has a CD. You can’t expect us to get every single interrupt.

Also why are healers so averse to using CC and interrupts? A CC’d mob does no damage, and makes your job easier.

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I just jumped back into healing since Cataclysm. I don’t have time to DPS, as the tanks run so far ahead and out of range and the DPS act stupid and stand in fire. If you are asking me to DPS, then the DPS and Tanks should use their cooldowns and midgation tools.

Same can be said about DPS using theirs.


Your terms are acceptable.

Why does everyone think this is a gotcha?


Because, from my experience so far, they don’t…


Most healers have awkward cc (fearing mobs into other packs, blinding light and similar remove all dots on mobs, every dps has stuns and healer stuns put those on dr, etc) and only shamans have an interrupt

If you stun something too many times the thing won’t get stunned anymore. Stargorger is a perfect example of people being clueless about their abilities lol. Also pretty sure most major mobs in dungeons are immune to base cc like stuns anyway


There is a tank shortage not a healer shortage