People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Yes, the boss didn’t take any damage at all from being hit. :roll_eyes:

Damage is damage.

Maybe you don’t, I wasn’t bad at the game.

No it has not been. Healer damage is probably less than 1% in a raid. There isnt time to dps in a raid for heals.

Uh huh. Sure thing, bud.

Now deflecting the whole point of this post. Healers required to do dps and expected to be up there on the damage meters is not game play i look for. Reread OP post then come back with opinions on the post not some rabbit hole your going down.

lol You are trying so hard to be right, Stop. This post is about healers being required to damage not because they need to get to mana to do there role.

I think it’s well established by now that you don’t even know how this game is played.

I’m not trying, I am right. The boss took damage from healers even all the way back in Classic.

These days, it’s a given the boss will take damage from healers. 3 out of 5 need to do damage to increase their healing. A 4th had their Sepulcher set based around doing damage. The 5th is bored and will also just do damage.

“Healers and tanks do upwards of 50% of the dps of dps in FFXIV” BuT tHe BoSs aUtO AtTacks. lol stop.

goal post been the same every explosive week. You’re just too dumb to understand it :wink:

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Dude, no one cares about your stupid cat girl game. These are the WoW forums.

Insults just show you have nothing left to say in the conversation. lol

nope nothing really for the likes of you who is clueless. Why waste my time amirite?

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Dude, we’ve had nothing less to say before the thread even started.

But there’s a few people that are slow that keep coming back with this weird notion of WoW healers not doing DPS when we have the logs showing otherwise.

That’s the problem when you pay 15$ only to access the forums : you have no clue about how the game works.

There are healers that can deal damage and heal simultaneously. It just so happens that those healers have been meta for the majority of raid tiers. Do you think Disc and Hpala are consistently meta because of their throughput?

OP is talking about high end content, which is extremely vague, but if we’re talking about the top level keys, then yes there is effectively a required amount of healer damage contribution to be successful. Of course that doesn’t apply to me or you, which is why I gave you the reply I did.

Let me help you bud.
MC raid #1 priest Classic. shot the boss 6 times with a wand lol.

Jailer #63 retail. 20k dps.影之哀伤/丷酥酥丷#boss=2537

Now you have been proven wrong. Stop.

Bud I just linked up the facts below. hush

“ealers who try to focus globals on dps in M+ 15 or higher keys are only going to be blacklisted from keys for being a bad healer, remember what game youre playing before giving healers bad advice in high keys and mythic raiding”

I hardly consider 15s high end content. I think we can agree on that.

How ? You literally proved me right. Even in Classic, the most dumbed down game where half your raid can be AFK, Healers dps.

Nope. But they are asked to closely watch our hp of players with Ashkandi, Corrupted Ashbringer, Sulfuras and some rogues too.

I remember our elite guild required a resume to apply. I dont think a Healer applied to boast his wanding DPS.

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50% read the damn post your arguing on. Lol. a healer did 300 damage back in classic. The damage was NOT needed or required.
This post is about healers having to dps and doing insane amounts of damage.
Best priest in classic in MC im sure didnt get kicked because he didnt wand enough.

meanwhile the disc priest help alot on the dps doing more than alot of the dps in the group :wink: